Ahhhsome Sauce Wellness Resources

Holistic Wellness Resources

One of the extras we offer here at Ahhhsome Relaxation (we call our extras Ahhhsome Sauce) are these Wellness Resources. In this section you will find lists of resources to help you as you begin your wellness journey. Just knowing where to start is half the battle sometimes. This section can help you find supplements, books, movies, specialists, websites, YouTube channels and more to assist your navigation in the world of Holistic Wellness.

What is Holistic Wellness?

1 : Support that looks at the whole person. The support should consider their mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.... A holistic approach focuses on a person's wellness and not just their illness or condition.

2 : Relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. Holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body.

Ahhhsome Relaxation Medical Disclaimer

Ahhhsome Relaxation’s website, videos, texts, or any other form of information may provide information related to but not solely limited to general wellness, fitness, nutrition, stress reduction and relaxation and is intended for your personal informational use only. You should consult with your physician before beginning any general wellness, fitness, nutrition, stress reduction or relaxation routines or modalities especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing conditions. Nothing stated on Ahhhsome Relaxation’s website, videos, texts or written information should be considered as medical advice or diagnosis. Your use of Ahhhsome Relaxation’s website, videos, texts or any other information is solely at your own risk. 

Where To Start Your Holistic Wellness Journey?


1: A wellness journey is an invitation to self-discovery - it's about creating new habits and altering your lifestyle to better support your needs. Overall, it's an incredibly empowering personal journey, and it can be life-changing, if you let it.

2: A commitment to ones self to change for the better.

3: A wellness journey indicates a path that one will travel that will take a length of time, course correction, knowledge, understanding, commitment, intention, coaching, work, patience and dedication to self and the process. By the time it is complete an individual is changed or transformed for the better.

BEGINNING a wellness journey often starts because of a need-sometimes even a crisis. Maybe it is as simple as you need to lose weight, or you just had your first panic attack and NEVER want to go through that again. It could be as extreme and life altering as a cancer, lymes disease or a lupus diagnosis. Whatever has brought you to this moment. I am sorry. I have been there. I have had personal experiences with cancer not once, but twice. Once with my child (that was the worst one) and again for myself. I know there was most likely some physical and emotional pain getting here. But now you are here! You are facing your fears and fighting those demons. Well done friend!


The first two things you need to know are 1-THERE IS HOPE and 2-YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There is so much information out there and it is easily accessible. The hard part is knowing WHERE TO LOOK.


Ahhhsome Relaxation and this page is an excellent, and hopefully not too overwhelming, place to start your journey. It is a wonderful place to find encouragement, resources and a few simple tools to get you started NOW. 


Remember to take baby steps. Do not overwhelm yourself. If you try to do everything all at once you may get overwhelmed and eventually give up. Do not ever give up! 


Let's jump start your success with 4 things. 

1 - Come to Ahhhsome Relaxation regularly

2 -  Learn

3 - Change your diet (if you don't already eat a super healthy diet)

4 - Add a few supplements to your nutritional life. 

The change in diet will be tough. There is no way around it. It has got to happen. To help you succeed, surround yourself with people who will support you and who believe in you. If you have that, you have a firm foundation for success. 



  • Ahhhsome Relaxation equipment 3-5x a week (sometimes even 7x per week)

    A wellness journey is just that. A journey. There are course corrections and adjustments along the path to true wellness. Often our guests start out coming frequently and consistently. 2x per day is not unheard of when someone is dealing with a wellness crisis. I personally use equipment 2x daily- 30 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes in the evening. Most of my staff will come in before work or stay after their shift ends to use therapies. consistancy is key.  For most people it is difficult to come once or twice a day once the crisis has calmed down so having a plan or scheduling time to come to Ahhhsome is important. 

    Whatever your wellness goals are, recognize that YOU are in control of where you place your healing time and energies. Being a member of Ahhhsome means you are committing to yourself to take the time to work on your mind and body. Ahhhsome Relaxation is a tool to help you succeed. YOU can do this! 

    Make a plan! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If Ahhhsome time is not high on your list of priorities you won’t make it in. All of your grand ideas on how you are going to look and feel because you are a member of Ahhhsome will crumble if you do not come in. Make a date with yourself to come to Ahhhsome often so that you can achieve your wellness goals. 

    For more help with the mindset part of getting yourself to Ahhhsome please refer to the “Mind Set Enhancement” section on our website. There you will find lots of great tools to help you get your head in the right space to just get in the car and drive to Ahhhsome or to not feel like you are wasting your time while you are on the equipment. The struggle is real and we know it. Go get yourself some Mind Set Enhancement tools! (Coming Soon) 

  • A little bit about our equipment

    Most of our equipment is used for medical purposes in Europe and Asia and has the equivalent of our FDA approval.  Due to the extreme cost that the United States Food and Drug Administration charges to review new products these companies have chosen not to pay for yet another medical equipment approval for the US market.  Because we do not have a United States FDA approval we cannot claim that our equipment can heal you.  However, what we can promise you is that as your body relaxes and you are able to consistently relieve your stress, your body can heal from the stress effects you are currently experiencing.  

  • Ahhhsome Stress Reduction:

     Even though there is a general agreement that persistent, high stress is unhealthy, Americans still struggle to manage the relationship between stress and good health in their lives.  

    We have all said “once I get through this big project, or wedding, or summer or winter or some big event that, my stress will get better”.  Did it?  Or did another big stressor just replace it?  Stress is cumulative.  The longer you suffer from consistent stress the more pronounced the effects of stress become in your life.    

    Some of the more common clinically proven effects are:

    • Heart stress resulting in Heart Attacks and coronary heart disease
    • Increased blood clotting causing Strokes
    • Decreased immunity contributing to Cancer, and prolonged life-threatening infections 
    • Digestive disturbances causing acid reflux disease, Weight gain, and obesity 
    • Increased blood sugar causing Diabetes, kidney failure, nerve damage and vision problems,
    • Premature aging due to decreased anti-aging growth hormones
    • Reduction of sex hormones causing a Low libido, sexual dysfunction and infertility
    • Increased stress hormones resulting in Anxiety, insomnia, serious memory and concentration impairment, osteoporosis, addictions and depression
    • Long term memory impairment including Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia
    • Every single one of those problems are life altering!  Whether you are experiencing any of those symptoms personally or you are watching someone you love suffer from them, stress is effecting your life.  

    Because of the health problems that stress causes, relieving your stress needs to be a top priority.   It is not simply a luxury.  It’s not even just a nice thing to do for yourself.  Finding a way to frequently and consistently relieve your stress is an absolute requirement for you to maintain a long and healthy life. 

  • What Are You Currently Doing to Relieve Your Stress?

    Now that you know about the negative side effects that stress can do to you, let’s take a minute to think about what you are currently doing to relieve your stress.  

    Ask yourself…

    • How often do I honestly make a conscious effort to relieve my stress?  
    • If you are not escaping from your stress often enough, Why not?  
    • Your answer may be the same as many other people’s answers.
    • It’s too expensive to do often, it takes too much time, or it is inconvenient. 

    Ahhhsome Relaxation can help you overcome each of those roadblocks to stress relief.  

    • Stress reduction is too expensive - Ahhhsome Relaxation offers you a beautiful and peaceful place to relieve your stress on a consistent basis at a relatively inexpensive cost. We have 3 different ways you can use Ahhhsome Relaxation.  A single visit, a 1-month membership and, an annual membership. Prices range from $35-$160 depending on your desired kind of therapy and access to Ahhhsome. For more information, please see the membership section of our website. 
    • Stress reduction takes too much time - Coming to Ahhhsome can take as much or as little time as you would like it to.  We have members that only come in for 15 – 30 minutes and we have members that stay for 3 hours at a time.  Some only come once a week and others come every day.  We find that the members that come consistantly see tremendous health benefits.  You decide how short or long to make your visit and what pieces of equipment you use.  
    • Stress reduction is inconvenient - We have tried to make Ahhhsome  as convenient to your schedule as possible.  We have several memberships to choose from, some of those options are 24/7 access memberships.   We have more than 85 pieces of equipment so there is never a need to wait.  You will stay fully clothed, and you will not need to shower after your visit like you otherwise would after a great workout or massage. 

    Some of the benefits that our Ahhhsome members have reported are:

    • A significant relief from pain and inflammation due to:  Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, Neuropathy, Carpal tunnel, and significant nerve pain throughout the body from chemo therapy treatments. 
    • Improved lymphatic drainage and healing from adrenal fatigue.  
    • Improved circulation 
    • Improved respiratory function.  
    • Dramatically improved sleep 
    • Elimination of candida (with improved nutrition)
    • Improved oxygen levels in blood
    • Significant reduction in depression, anxiety & fatigue
    • Dramatic decrease in blood pressure
    • Increase in Nitric oxide (this prevents heart disease and strokes) 
    • Metabolic improvement
    • Vastly improved weight loss after a significant plateau
    • Improved recovery from allergies and allergy symptoms
    • Rapid recovery from workout fatigue
    • Clear mind and better memory
    • More emotionally stable and higher energy level
    • Accelerated post-surgical healing 
    • Softer smoother tighter skin
    • Improved kidney function
    • Improved Detoxification of their body while on a cleanse
    • Incredible decrease in severe back pain
    • Increased range of motion
    • Enhanced immunity
    • Decrease in medication dependence
    • Decreased depression and anxiety
    • Reduced scar tissue
    • Improved circulation
    • Reduction of inflammation
    • Releases Endorphins
    • Relieves Migraine and Headache pain. 

    Those are significant benefits!  

    I hope you can that see Ahhhsome Relaxation can answer the questions of where and how to relax on a regular basis.  Ahhhsome Relaxation is Affordable, Convenient, Comfortable, Peaceful and really works!  

    We look forward to helping you change your life through consistent and Ahhhsome stress reduction.  

Jump Start #2 - LEARN

Movies: When you are beginning a wellness journey and do not know where to start, reading an entire book can be too slow and overwhelming. We recommend starting with a couple of movies. These will help you better understand how diet can affect your healing journey.

  • The Game Changers

    Netflix – A 2018 documentary film about the benefits of eating plant-based diets. It covers multiple success stories of athletes who eat plant-based, references scientific studies, and touches on other arguments for plant-based diets that extend to non-athletes.

    Follow a UFC fighter as he embarks on a quest to find the optimal diet for human performance and health. Along the way he meets with visionary scientists and top athletes. 

    Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lewis Hamilton, James Wilks

  • Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

    Netflix - A 2010 American documentary film which follows the 60-day journey of Australian Joe Cross across the United States as he follows a juice fast to regain his health under the care of Joel Fuhrman, Nutrition Research Foundation's Director of Research. Cross and Robert Mac, co-creators of the film, both serve on the Nutrition Research Foundation's Advisory Board. Following his fast and the adoption of a plant-based diet, Cross states in a press release that he lost 100 pounds and discontinued all medications. During his road-trip Cross meets Phil Staples, a morbidly obese truck driver from Sheldon, Iowa, in a truck stop in Arizona and inspires him to try juice fasting. A sequel to the first film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2, was released in 2014. 

  • Forks Over Knives

    Amazon prime, YouTube - A 2011 American advocacy film and documentary that advocates a low-fat, whole-food, vegan diet as a way to avoid or reverse several chronic diseases. The film recommends avoiding overly refined and processed foods, including refined sugars, bleached flours, and oils, and instead eating whole grains, legumes, tubers, vegetables, and fruits. 

    The film's title is based on the premise that if one is selective about the food they place on their fork, they can avoid going under a surgeon's knife.

  • What The Health

    Netflix  - 2017 documentary film by filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it. 

    What The Health is a surprising, and at times hilarious, investigative documentary that will be an eye-opener for everyone concerned about our nation’s health and how big business influences it.


Books: Now that you have watched the movies, it is time to study some books. These books are a wealth of knowledge and recipes. They will help you as you begin your healing journey and reinforce all you learned in the movies you have watched. 

  • Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark

    The Wall Street Journal best-selling guide to charting a path from cancer to wellness through a toxin-free diet, lifestyle, and therapy--created by a colon cancer survivor.

    Millions of readers have followed Chris Wark's journey on his blog and podcast Chris Beat Cancer, and in his debut work, he dives deep into the reasoning and scientific foundation behind the approach and strategies that he used to successfully heal his body from stage-3 colon cancer. Drawing from the most up-to-date and rigorous research, as well as his deep faith, Wark provides clear guidance and continuous encouragement for his healing strategies, including his Beat Cancer Mindset; radical diet, and lifestyle changes; and means for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

    Chris Wark - Chris Wark is an author, speaker, and health coach. In 2003, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He had surgery to remove the tumor. For post-surgical therapy, he used nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself. He has talked about his experiences on radio and television.

  • Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

    This is a book that will help you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Most importantly, if you follow the Eat To Live™ diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a board-certified family physician in private practice in Belle Mead, N.J., who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and is an active staff member of Hunterdon Medical Center.

  • Healing Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 essential steps to healing breast cancer, Second edition by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

    First and foremost, I am a woman that was looking for answers, just like you. I have claimed victory over 2 breast cancer journeys. My healing journeys taught me so much about myself and breast cancer in general. These experiences have been steppingstones into creating my first book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, Healing Diva Retreats and various coaching programs for women that are looking for support.

    One out of eight women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. One out of 3 women will experience some form of cancer in their lifetime.

    I was one of those statistics even though I was living a healthy lifestyle that consisted of organic foods, regular exercise, massage, Chiropractic care and colonics. How could somebody like me develop Breast Cancer?

    That very question led to thousands of hours of research, study, soul-searching, and prayer. It all came together as The 7 Essentials – 7 basic steps that are necessary for preventing and healing cancer, or any disease for that matter.

    Dr. Veronique Desaulniers - Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is a bio-energetic Chiropractor and, is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the 7 Essentials System®, and co-founder of My Breast Friend™. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 48 countries around the world.

  • How Not to Die by Dr. Greggor

    From the physician behind the wildly popular NutritionFacts website, How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.

    The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of NutritionFacts.org, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives.

    The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.

    History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects. Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks.

    In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day.Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.

    Dr. Greggor - Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition.

Jump Start #4 - SUPPLEMENT

Start a Few Supplements: Now that you have watched or read a few things and you understand why your nutrition plays such a pivotal role in your wellness journey, there are 3 supplements you may want to add to your daily routine. 

(The following information was sent to us by https://proven.thesacredscience.com/. It is an incredible site with excellent information and resources on alternative options for many major health issues. We highly recommend you take a few minutes to visit their site.)

  • 1. Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus)

    Chaga mushroom is a powerfully healing mushroom that contains betulinic acid, which has been shown to have significant antitumor effect in lab studies.

    One epidemiological study done in Russia even showed that cancer rates were much lower in regions where chaga tea is drank as a beverage!

    But it's not just chaga that aids with cancer prevention...

    "If you start looking at the research and you go to PubMed, there's literally thousands of studies for different types of cancer with different types of mushrooms, not just chaga and reishi, but also shitake, and the list goes on."

    - Tero Isokauppila, in Proven

    Trusted resource for Changa Mushroom - https://mountainroseherbs.com/chaga-mushroom-powder

  • 2. Mistletoe (Viscm album)

    Simply put, herbs can do amazing things.

    Mistletoe, for example, is not just for kissing on Christmas! It's been legal as a treatment for advanced breast cancer in Germany since 1963, though it's widely unknown in the United States.

    Dr. Devra Davis even said in Proven, "Interesting new work suggests that mistletoe can cure some forms of cancer. We don't even understand how it works, but it is clearly working through the immune system."

    Remember to do your homework to learn which herbs are the best for YOUR cancer treatment needs (psst.. Square One has an entire section dedicated to herbs!)

    Trusted resource for Mistletoe -


  • 3. Moringa (Moringa oleifera)

    In many African languages, this plant is called nebedaye or "never-die." It's a tough, drought-resistant tree with documented medicinal use that dates back to 2000 B.C. In fact, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have said that this tree can be used to prevent and treat over 300 diseases!

    Considering it provides more than 30 natural anti-inflammatory agents and contains more than 40 different antioxidants, it's no wonder that it's referred to as the Miracle Plant.

    If that's not enough, all parts of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes, including the root, seeds, flowers, bark, and leaves. And compared to naturally healthy foods that might already be in your kitchen or on your shopping list, Moringa leaves contain:

    • 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges

    • 4 times the calcium in milk

    • 2 times the protein of yogurt

    • 4 times the vitamin A in carrots

    • 25 times the iron in spinach

    • 3 times the potassium in bananas

    According to a study in The International Journal of Molecular Sciences the extract from Moringa leaves showed greater cytotoxicity for tumor cells than for normal cells, strongly suggesting that it could be an ideal anticancer therapeutic candidate specific to cancer cells.

    Furthermore, both hot water and other extracts from Moringa leaves inhibited the viability of acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and hepatocellular carcinoma cells, without any toxic effects against normal mononuclear cells.

    Trusted resource for Moringa -




    On a personal note: I prefer the already encapsulated Moringa from Green Virgin Products

  • 4. High Dose Vitamin C

    This is an interesting one to research if you have cancer or an autoimmune illness. Many of us here at Ahhhsome have used this protocol to help with everything from the common cold to cancer. This article on the Chris Beat Cancer website is a good place to start researching if this protocol is one you would like to try. https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-protocol-for-cancer/


now you've gotten this far, here are some more things that can help


  • The Game Changers

    Netflix – A 2018 documentary film about the benefits of plant-based eating for athletes. It covers multiple success stories of plant-based athletes, references scientific studies, and touches on other arguments for plant-based diets that extend to non-athletes.

    Follow a UFC fighter as he embarks on a quest to find the optimal diet for human performance and health. Along the way he meets with visionary scientists and top athletes. 

    Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lewis Hamilton, James Wilks

  • Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

    Netflix - A 2010 American documentary film which follows the 60-day journey of Australian Joe Cross across the United States as he follows a juice fast to regain his health under the care of Joel Fuhrman, Nutrition Research Foundation's Director of Research. Cross and Robert Mac, co-creators of the film, both serve on the Nutrition Research Foundation's Advisory Board. Following his fast and the adoption of a plant-based diet, Cross states in a press release that he lost 100 pounds and discontinued all medications. During his road-trip Cross meets Phil Staples, a morbidly obese truck driver from Sheldon, Iowa, in a truck stop in Arizona and inspires him to try juice fasting. A sequel to the first film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2, was released in 2014. 

  • Forks Over Knives

    Amazon prime, YouTube - A 2011 American advocacy film and documentary that advocates a low-fat, whole-food, vegan diet as a way to avoid or reverse several chronic diseases. The film recommends avoiding overly refined and processed foods, including refined sugars, bleached flours, and oils, and instead eating whole grains, legumes, tubers, vegetables, and fruits. 

    The film's title is based on the premise that if one is selective about the food they place on their fork, they can avoid going under a surgeon's knife.

  • What The Health

    Netflix  - 2017 documentary film by filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it. 

    What The Health is a surprising, and at times hilarious, investigative documentary that will be an eye-opener for everyone concerned about our nation’s health and how big business influences it.

  • The Earthing Movie – Youtube

    The Earthing Movie – Youtube - "The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding" is directed by Sundance Award-Winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell (The Big Fix, FUEL, etc). This is a feature-length documentary based on their viral short film entitled 'Down To Earth,' that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do…standing barefoot on the earth. The winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at Dances With Films Festival, the film shares the Tickell family's journey with the healing power of grounding, aka earthing, and the people they met and learned from along the way; featuring grounding pioneer Clint Ober, author Deepak Chopra M.D., actress/activist Amy Smart, author/activist Mariel Hemingway, cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, renowned healer Dr Joseph Mercola, engineer and physicist Gaetan Chevalier, PhD. and many others. Over 20 peer-reviewed studies have shown that Grounding (Earthing) reduces inflammation...one of the most damaging internal biological processes that leads to chronic disease. So get out there and put your feet on the ground, and/or increase your grounding time indoors with grounding products. Your body and mind will thank you! Read up on all the studies and research at https://earthinginstitute.net Watch this Q&A with Mother and Filmmaker Rebecca Tickell as she shares her family's healing grounding experience, which ultimately led to the film being made: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=112...


  • The Sacred Plant - Documentary Series Online

    Documentary series called The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed.  It’s about an ancient healing plant that successfully treats 32 different health conditions, including cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, Alzheimer’s and much more.

  • The Truth About Cancer - Documentary Series Online

    The True History of Chemotherapy and the Pharmaceutical Monopoly. 2. Cancer Fats and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer and Essential oils. 3. Cancer Causing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing and Eating the Rainbow. 4. Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound and light. 5. Cancer Causing Blind spots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy and The Power of Emotions 6. The NOCEBO Effect, healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing and Going Inside a German Cancer Clinic. 7. heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight and Combining Superfoods. 7. Cannabis, Natural Epigenetic Switches, Peptides and Healing with Micronutrient Therapy. 9. Cancer Conquerors and Their Powerful Stories of Victory.


  • Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark

    The Wall Street Journal best-selling guide to charting a path from cancer to wellness through a toxin-free diet, lifestyle, and therapy--created by a colon cancer survivor.

    Millions of readers have followed Chris Wark's journey on his blog and podcast Chris Beat Cancer, and in his debut work, he dives deep into the reasoning and scientific foundation behind the approach and strategies that he used to successfully heal his body from stage-3 colon cancer. Drawing from the most up-to-date and rigorous research, as well as his deep faith, Wark provides clear guidance and continuous encouragement for his healing strategies, including his Beat Cancer Mindset; radical diet, and lifestyle changes; and means for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

    Chris Wark - Chris Wark is an author, speaker, and health coach. In 2003, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He had surgery to remove the tumor. For post-surgical therapy, he used nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself. He has talked about his experiences on radio and television.

  • Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman

    This is a book that will let you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Most importantly, if you follow the Eat To Live™ diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a board-certified family physician in private practice in Belle Mead, N.J., who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and is an active staff member of Hunterdon Medical Center.

  • The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall

    A bestselling author's groundbreaking eating plan that challenges the notion that starch is unhealthy

    From Atkins to Dukan, the fear-mongering about carbs over the past few decades has reached a fever pitch; the mere mention of a starch-heavy food is enough to trigger a cavalcade of shame and longing.

    In The Starch Solution, bestselling diet doctor and board-certified internist John A. McDougall, MD, and his kitchen-savvy wife, Mary, turn the notion that starch is bad for you on its head. The Starch Solution is based on a simple swap: fueling your body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats. This will help you lose weight and prevent a variety of ills.

    Fad diets come and go, but Dr. McDougall has been a proponent of the plant-based diet for decades, and his medical credibility is unassailable. He is one of the mainstay experts cited in the bestselling and now seminal China Study—called the "Grand Prix of epidemiology" by the New York Times. But what The China Study lacks is a plan.

    Dr. McDougall grounds The Starch Solution in rigorous scientific fact and research, giving readers easy tools to implement these changes into their lifestyle with a 7-Day Quick Start Plan and 100 delicious recipes. This book includes testimonials from among the hundreds Dr. McDougall has received, including people who have lost more than 125 pounds in mere months as well as patients who have conquered life threatening illnesses such as diabetes and cardiac ailments.

    Dr. McDougal - A graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine, Dr. McDougall performed his internship at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, and his medical residency at the University of Hawaii. He is certified as an internist by the Board of Internal Medicine and the National Board of Medical Examiners.  He and his wife Mary are also the authors of several nationally best-selling books as well as the co-founders of Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods, which produces high quality vegetarian cuisine to make it easier for people to eat well on the go.

  • Healing Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 essential steps to healing breast cancer, Second edition by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

    This is a book that will let you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Most importantly, if you follow the Eat To Live™ diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a board-certified family physician in private practice in Belle Mead, N.J., who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and is an active staff member of Hunterdon Medical Center.

  • How Not to Die by Dr. Greggor

    From the physician behind the wildly popular NutritionFacts website, How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.

    The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of NutritionFacts.org, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives.

    The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.

    History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects. Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks.

    In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day.Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.

    Dr. Greggor - Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition.

  • Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman

    Karol Truman provides a comprehensive and enlightening resource for getting in touch with unresolved feelings which, she explains, can distort not only happiness but also health and well-being. Leaving no emotion unnamed, and in fact listing around 750 labels for feelings, Truman helps identify problem areas, and offers a "script" to help process the feelings, replacing the negative feeling with a new, positive outlook. A chapter on the possible emotions below the surface in various physical ailments gives the reader plenty to work with on a deep healing level. FEELINGS BURIED ALIVE NEVER DIE combines a supportive, common-sense, results-oriented approach to a problem that is widespread and that can stop people from living fully.


    Karol Truman - Karol K. Truman is a practicing therapist who is dedicated to helping others achieve emotional and spiritual well-being by resolving and healing their "core issues."

    It became apparent to Karol that physical health was inextricably linked to emotional and spiritual health. Recognizing this, she became involved in an ever-deepening exploration of human energy systems. She has made an exhaustive study of the laws of cause and effect and of the principles that govern transformational healing and growth. Along with extensive research and study, she has also participated in numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops. Her research, her counseling work, and the feedback from thousands of readers are distilled here to assist you.

  • The Calcium Lie: What your Doctor Doesn’t Know Could Kill You by Kathleen Barnes and Dr Robert Thompson MD

    If you believe that bones are made of calcium, you have subscribed to The Calcium Lie. You’re not alone. Most consumers and, surprisingly, most doctors, believe that bones are made of calcium. Yet any basic biochemistry textbook will tell you the truth: Bones are made of at least a dozen minerals and we need all of them in perfect proportions in order to have healthy bones and healthy bodies. If you get too much calcium, through food sources or by taking supplements, you set yourself up for an array of negative health consequences, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Type 2 hypothyroidism, hypertension, depression, problem pregnancies and more. This book gives you all the information you need to stay healthy and to regain your health if you or your doctor have been duped by The Calcium Lie.


    Kathleen Barnes - Kathleen Barnes is the author, coauthor, or editor of 17 natural health books.

    Kathleen had an early career in newspapers and a 10-year stint as a foreign correspondent in Asia and Africa for ABC and CNN before returning to the U.S. to embark on a new career as a health writer, editor and publisher.

    For six years, Kathleen wrote the weekly natural health column for Woman's World magazine, and she has been part of the effort to raise public awareness of the subject of natural health for more than thirty years, as a writer, life coach and yoga teacher.


    Robert Thompson MD - Dr. Robert Thompson practices integrative, anti-aging and holistic medicine in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska. A board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist for more than 30 years, he now devotes his practice to preventive medicine and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. Find him at www.calciumlie.com.

  • The Calcium Lie II: What your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know by Robert Thompson MD and Kathleen Barnes

    The Calcium Lie II: What your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know – How Mineral Imbalances Are Damaging Your Health by Robert Thompson MD and Kathleen Barnes 

    If you believe that bones are made of calcium, you have subscribed to The Calcium Lie. You’re not alone. Most consumers and, surprisingly, most doctors, believe that bones are made of calcium. Yet any basic biochemistry textbook will tell you the truth: Bones are made of at least a dozen minerals, and we need all of them in perfect proportions in order to have healthy bones and healthy bodies. If you get too much calcium, through food sources or by taking supplements, you set yourself up for an array of negative health consequences, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Type 2 hypothyroidism, hypertension, depression, problem pregnancies and more.

    This is the second edition of the calcium Lie, updated, expanded and with greater in-depth explanation of the medical problems that can be caused by mineral imbalances and solid strategies to correct them. This book gives you all the information you need to stay healthy and to regain your health if you or your doctor have been duped by The Calcium Lie.


    Kathleen Barnes - Kathleen Barnes is the author, coauthor, or editor of 17 natural health books.

    Kathleen had an early career in newspapers and a 10-year stint as a foreign correspondent in Asia and Africa for ABC and CNN before returning to the U.S. to embark on a new career as a health writer, editor and publisher.

    For six years, Kathleen wrote the weekly natural health column for Woman's World magazine, and she has been part of the effort to raise public awareness of the subject of natural health for more than thirty years, as a writer, life coach and yoga teacher.


    Robert Thompson MD - Dr. Robert Thompson practices integrative, anti-aging and holistic medicine in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska. A board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist for more than 30 years, he now devotes his practice to preventive medicine and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. Find him at www.calciumlie.com.

  • The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones by Dr. Michael E. Platt

    The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones: How I Lost My...fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger, migraines… by Dr. Michael E. Platt

    This book details Dr. Platts Platt Protocol: solutions for conditions modern medicine considers ‘incurable’ and that are ‘treated’ with drugs, endless office visits and tests as well as billions spent on research. He has identified many conditions that respond positively to bio-identical hormones, especially progesterone. Conditions that affect millions of people worldwide such as: ADHD, fibromyalgia, autism, depression, bipolar disorder, addictions, weight gain, anger, road rage, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and more.


    Dr. Michael E. Platt – 

    • Board certification in internal medicine: 1972.
    • Internship and residency: Washington hospital center, Washington DC. Medical Doctorate: New York Medical College, New York, NY
    • Undergraduate: Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio

    Since 1997, the Platt Wellness Center has been a pioneer in the research and advancement of the therapeutic use of progesterone cream and other bio-identical hormones. Platt is considered an important pioneer in observational, functional, alternative, and allopathic medicine focused on bio-identical hormones and adrenaline overload.

  • You Are The Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Is it possible to heal by thought alone - without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect. In You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson’s disease by believing in a placebo. Similarly, Dr. Joe tells of how others have gotten sick and even died the victims of a hex or voodoo curse - or after being misdiagnosed with a fatal illness. Belief can be so strong that pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies to try to exclude the power of the mind over the body when evaluating new drugs.

    Dr. Joe does more than simply explore the history and the physiology of the placebo effect. He asks the question: “Is it possible to teach the principles of the placebo, and without relying on any external substance, produce the same internal changes in a person’s health and ultimately in his or her life?” Then he shares scientific evidence (including color brain scans) of amazing healings from his workshops, in which participants learn his model of personal transformation, based on practical applications of the so-called placebo effect. The book ends with a “how-to” meditation for changing beliefs and perceptions that hold us back - the first step in healing.

    You Are the Placebo combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect...and show how the seemingly impossible can become possible.

    Dr. Joe Dispenza - Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence. As a researcher, lecturer, author, and corporate consultant, his interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives.

  • K2 and the Calcium Paradox - How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life by Kate Rheaume-Bleue BSC ND

    The secret to avoiding calcium-related osteoporosis and atherosclerosis While millions of people take calcium and Vitamin D supplements thinking they're helping their bones, the truth is, without the addition of Vitamin K2, such a health regimen could prove dangerous. Without Vitamin K2, the body cannot direct calcium to the bones where it's needed; instead, the calcium resides in soft tissue (like the arteries)—leading to a combination of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, or the dreaded "calcium paradox." This is the first book to reveal how universal a Vitamin K2 deficiency is, and the risk (in the form of cancer and diabetes, among other ailments) the absence of Vitamin K2 poses.Written by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, a popular health expert on Canadian television and radio, Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox sounds a warning about the popularity of the calcium and Vitamin D craze, while illustrating the enormous health benefits of Vitamin K2 in making the body less susceptible to dental cavities, heart disease, prostate cancer, liver cancer, diabetes, wrinkles, obesity, varicose veins, and other ailments.

    The book demystifies this obscure supernutrient—a fat soluble vitamin that humans once thrived on, ignored by scientists for almost seventy years

    Details how the consumption of grass-fed animals led to adequate Vitamin K2 intake—while grain-based animal feed helped eradicate Vitamin K2 from our diets

    Describes how doctors are raising recommended doses of calcium and Vitamin D—without prescribing Vitamin K2

    Details more damning facts about transfats—and how the creation of a synthetic Vitamin K interfered with the body's Vitamin K metabolism

    An essential book for anyone interested in bone health, or maintaining their overall health, Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox is the guide to taking the right combination of supplements—and adding Vitamin K2 to a daily regimen.

    Kate Rheaume-Bleue Bsc ND - Kate Rhéaume (1974-) was born and raised in the West Island of Montreal, Quebec. She followed her lifelong interest in health and nutrition to McMaster University, where she completed an honors degree in Biology, with an intention to pursue a career in conventional medicine. After spending much time as a keen "pre-med" student in the University hospital Kate decided that something was missing for her from the conventional paradigm of medicine. Upon successfully resolving her own health challenges with natural medicine, Kate turned to Naturopathic medicine as a career and never looked back. She graduated from Toronto's Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2002 and was selected for the coveted residency program. Kate spent two and half years on the CCNM Academic and Clinic Faculties as a teaching assistant, guest lecturer and clinic supervisor. After a maternity leave Kate joined Natural Factors Nutritional Products as an educational spokesperson. In this capacity Dr. Kate travels across North America lecturing on many topics related to natural health. As an author Dr. Kate speaks internationally at many health conferences on the subject of vitamin K2. She is a frequent guest on television and radio and a sought-after, engaging speaker. Dr. Kate now makes her home in Ancaster, just west of Hamilton, Ontario.

  • Life Above the Line: Living the Life You're Meant to Live by Tiffany Garvin

    Life Above the Line introduces the personal development and healing principles and techniques of the Perfect Healing System. Learn how to:









    The techniques are simple, but their effects are life-changing. The depth of understanding Tiffany shares about healing is profound. She shares principles and philosophies that illuminate the path for healing your health and your life. Join Tiffany for a journey of discovery, empowerment, and true healing!


    Tiffany Garvin - Tiffany Garvin is a #1 bestselling author. She is an executive coach, international speaker, and innovator in the field of personal development. For eighteen years, she struggled with debilitating chronic illnesses. When she finally overcame that challenge, what she learned along the way became the catalyst for her life's work.

    Her vision is to empower people around the world to harness their innate gifts and abilities to overcome their own challenges, live their genius, and create a life they love. Then, invite them to Serve, Love, and Lift those around them.

    Despite her chronic illnesses, she graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian Studies/Chinese and earned a first degree black belt in Kenpo Jiu jitsu. She is happily married, the mother of three children, and loves her life of coaching, speaking, and lifting people toward their potential.


These are the supplements we use. Please research them for yourself to figure out what will work best for you.

  • Boron

    Boron is a trace mineral that helps keep your bones strong and healthy by helping your body utilize calcium‚ phosphorus‚ and magnesium. It promotes absorption of these minerals by reducing the amounts excreted through the urine. Boron is also important for connective tissue health‚ muscle development and coordination‚ and hormone production. A boron deficiency may cause weak bones‚ painful joints‚ poor coordination‚ and hormone imbalances (including not enough estrogen or testosterone).

    You may be deficient in boron if you don’t eat a variety of fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts‚ and beans. Some foods that are especially high in boron include almonds‚ walnuts‚ avocados‚ pears‚ oranges‚ prunes‚ bananas‚ red apples‚ red grapes‚ onions‚ carrots‚ kidney beans‚ and chickpeas. If you don’t eat enough foods that contain boron‚ you can take Pure Encapsulations’ Boron (Glycinate) to prevent a deficiency. It’s a natural dietary supplement that solely contains the active ingredient: 2 mg of Boron in glycinate form.

    On a personal note – Make sure you do your research. Talk to your doctor and learn all you can from trusted resources. Boron is an important mineral that use to be a big part of our diets before our soil became so depleted. If you are suffering from symptoms associated with Boron deficiency this may be something good to try. Diatomaceous earth contains trace amounts if boron.

  • Cannabis

    Yes this is exactly what you are thinking this is. When this plant is consumed (NOT SMOKED) it has powerful healing properties for MANY illnesses. We highly suggest you watch the docuseries “The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed” to learn more. 

  • Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus)

    Chaga mushroom is a powerfully healing mushroom that contains betulinic acid, which has been shown to have significant anti-tumor effect in lab studies.

    One epidemiological study done in Russia even showed that cancer rates were much lower in regions where chaga tea is drank as a beverage!

    But it's not just chaga that aids with cancer prevention...

    "If you start looking at the research and you go to PubMed, there's literally thousands of studies for different types of cancer with different types of mushrooms, not just chaga and reishi, but also shitake, and the list goes on."

    - Tero Isokauppila, in Proven

    Trusted resource for Changa Mushroom - https://mountainroseherbs.com/chaga-mushroom-powder

  • DHEA - (dehydroepiandrosterone)

    DHEA is a hormone that's naturally produced by the adrenal glands. Levels of DHEA naturally drop after age 30. Some people take DHEA supplements in the hopes that DHEA will have health benefits and prevent some illnesses. However, the evidence is mixed.

    Why do people take DHEA?

    A number of studies have found that DHEA supplements may help people with depression, obesity, lupus, and adrenal insufficiency. DHEA may also improve skin in older people and help treat osteoporosis, vaginal atrophy, erectile dysfunction, and some psychological conditions.

    Low DHEA levels are associated with aging and a number of diseases, such as anorexia, type 2 diabetes, and HIV. In older men, having low levels of DHEA is also associated with a higher chance of death.

  • Dr Schulze cleanses

    Dr. Schulze has a vast knowledge of the systems of the body. His cleanses support the body while also helping to release toxins that cause disease. We highly recommend you look up his cleanses on his website Herbdoc.com.

  • Dr. Schulze kidney stone blasting formula

    This is a recipe that we use for sudden onset kidney stones. You can find the full routine and recipe here:  https://www.herbdoc.com/blog/kidney-stone-dissolving-routine

  • Dr Schultz superfood tablets

    Ideal for daily nutrition, increased energy, improved fitness, diet, weight loss and travel. 100% or more of your RDI of Vitamins A, C, and E. Over 1300% of your energy vitamin B12. Vegan, herbal and food nutrition that assimilates in seconds.

  • Food grade diatomaceous earth

    Yes this is a strange one but many of us have used it. Research it and see what you think.


    This is a good resource for it. https://www.grandpasdiatomaceousearth.com/diatomaceous-earth-human-use-daily-dose/


    The company says: If you are looking for a great all natural, daily supplement that will give you the energy you need, and keep you feeling great, this is it.

    This product is so naturally rich in silica, (also 28 other trace minerals) that people around the world are learning and have learned how amazing Grandpas Diatomaceous Earth is (you are one of those people). Just by adding at least a tablespoon each day to their diet, they have experienced many great health benefits, we have even had customers tell us that it is helping their hair regrow. Grandpa’s Diatomaceous Earth for Human Use, Simply amazing.

  • Essential oils

    These are a hot topic. There are many arguments for and against them. Like everything on this list take some time to educate yourself and see what you think. Around Ahhhsome we like them, and we use them. Do we think they can solve all your health concerns? Nope. We sure don’t.

    Human beings are super complex creatures. What works for one person may not work for you. When diving into the wellness world and especially the essential oil world, use your head.

    We have 3 resources for essential oils that we like: Doterra, Young Living and Mountain Rose Herbs.

    Both Doterra and Young Living are MLM companies. They both offer excellent products (even though on occasion they both have less than kind things to say about each other) You can google either of those companies and order their products from multiple sources. Just know you may get hit up for a membership.

    If you want to avoid any and all of that we like Mountain Rose Herbs. Fantastic certified organic oils as well as lots of great herbal options and product without any of the pressure. Down side, they may not always be as potent.

    Like I said, use your best judgement.

    Some of our favorite oils for what ails you are: 

    -CBD (CBD oil and Hemp oil are not the same)  






    -Melaleuca or Tea tree



    A couple of good places to learn about essential oils are:

    YouTube – Type in Doterra, Young living or Dr axe and then the name of the oil you want to learn more about and watch a short video. You can generally find out some good information there. Make sure you check multiple sources to ensure you are getting solid information.


    Aroma tools – Aromatools.com has a bunch of information and books on essential oils. We really like their book “Modern Essentials”. We feel it is worth the money. They have new editions that come out every year.

  • Female hormone blend

    Female hormone blend – There are 3 options here that we like. One seams more potent and addresses more hormone factors (according to our own bodies) but is more expensive.  The others help lots of us around here stay sane with the benefit of relatively low cost.

    1. The most potent but also more expensive option is: Umzu (Umzu.com) Umzu is a fantastic supplement company. We love their products. Super potent and effective. They have a Hormone Bundle with 3 supplements Thyrite, Vitamin D3 and Cortigon. If you are feeling close to the edge and need a super boost we like this bundle. ($90.82 - $106.85)
    2. The slightly less potent but nearly as effective is Dr. Schulze’s female formula. Like the bottle says…Herbal formula that works!  ($28 - $48)  
    3. The less potent (to us) but still works well, is less expensive and easiest to get your hands on (because, many retail stores and health stores carry it) option is: Irwin Naturals Menstrual Relief Hormone Balance - Plant-Based PMS Symptom Support Supplement. This stuff is great and works best if taken according to the label. ($23 on amazon and iherb.com $26.65 at walmart)

  • High dose vitamin C

    This is an interesting one to research if you have cancer or an autoimmune illness. Many of us here at Ahhhsome have used this protocol to help with everything from the common cold to cancer. This article on the Chris Beat Cancer website is a good place to start researching if this protocol is one you would like to try. https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-protocol-for-cancer/

  • Iodine - For thyroid health

    Iodine is an essential mineral. It’s most important role is it’s use by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control about 600 functions. It’s a super important mineral. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: Fatigue, dry skin, swollen neck, sensitivity to cold, constipation, irregular periods, stunted growth in infants, hair loss, unexpected weight gain, slower heart rate, puffy face, muscle weakness, pain or stiffness in the muscles and joints, depression, poor memory, frequent choking, a heavier than normal period in menstruating women, low IQ, trouble learning, heart disease, infertility and birth issues.

    Yep. This is a super important one. If you think you are iodine deficient talk to your doctor. To much iodine can be super bad. That said most of America is iodine deficient.

    The iodine my doctor told me to take is Iodoral 12.5. I get it from Amazon. Optimox Iodoral 12.5 mg - Original High Potency Lugol Solution Iodine Nutritional Supplement - Energy and Thyroid Support - 240 Tablets. It is a tablet so no disgusting iodine taste in your mouth.

  • Inositol Hexaphosphate

    (AKA…IP-6, InsP-6, Phytic acit, phytate, inositol hexakisphosphate, myo-inositol hexaphosphate) – For cancer 

    Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) is a carbohydrate found naturally in many plants and mammalian cells, where it performs important messenger roles and affects numerous cellular processes. It was shown to have anticancer and anti-angiogenic effects.

    A naturally occurring compound, Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) is a polyphosphorylated carbohydrate that is present in most plants and in mammalian cells. It is used to prevent and treat cancer and heart disease. Metabolites of IP6 enter the inositol phosphate pool and perform secondary messenger roles, extracellular signaling, and additional cellular signaling transduction (1). Preclinical studies have shown IP6 to exert anticancer (1) (3) (4) (9) (10) (12) as well as anti-angiogenic (16) effects; and to be useful against sickle cell disease (14) (15).

    Supplementation with IP6 was reported to improve fasting serum uric acid levels in hyperuricemic subjects (18); and to inhibit formation of advanced glycation end products in patients with type-2 diabetes (19). 

    Preliminary findings also indicate effectiveness of a combination of oral IP6 and inositol for alleviating chemotherapy-induced side effects and for improving quality of life in breast cancer patients (11). Similar benefits were reported with topical IP6 (20). In another study, myo-inositol showed chemopreventive potential in patients with bronchial dysplasia (13). Larger studies are warranted to confirm these findings (7) (8).

    To see all of the sited resources for this information please visit the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Website at:


    Please scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the references section.

  • Juice Plus

    If you want to feel really well, your body needs a range of valuable nutrients. So you need to eat a balanced nutrient dense diet to feel empowered, and that includes a varied selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Because that is not so easy to do on an everyday basis, Juice Plus+ has concentrated the best parts of 30 types of fruits, vegetables and berries in capsule form. You can get the benefit of valuable phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. You will also be optimally supplied with powerful antioxidants that are important for your well-being.

    On a personal note – Yes this is the one MLM type of company that I subscribe to. In fighting my cancer I have found that supplementation is important and that the quality of your supplements truly matters.

    When I started my cancer journey I knew I needed intense nutrition. I needed to give my body every opportunity to heal. My food/fuel became truly important. Juicing is a fantastic way to get intense nutrition however juicing quickly became way to time consuming AND way to expensive. I had a friend who introduced me to Juice Plus + and it has made a world of difference for me.

    The science behind the product is vast and sound. I spent a lot of time checking out the products before I would even try them. I feel it has made a big difference for me. If you would like more info you can always reach out to me at alyce@ahhhsomerelaxation.com or you can simply go to their website. Either way do your research.

  • L-lysine

    Lysine is an amino acid (a building block of protein). Unlike some other amino acids, the human body cannot make lysine, so it must be eaten in the diet. Sources of lysine include meat, fish, dairy, eggs, and some plants such as soy.

    People use lysine for cold sores (herpes labialis). They also use it for athletic performance, diabetes, and many other uses, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.


    On a personal note – Many of us here at Ahhhsome use it for cold sores and it has worked well. If you choose to try it let us know if it helped.

  • Magnesium

    Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. It’s involved in over 300 metabolic reactions that are essential for human health, including energy production, blood pressure regulation, nerve signal transmission, and muscle contraction. Interestingly, low levels are linked to a variety of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders, and migraines. Although this mineral is present in many whole foods like green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds, up to two-thirds of people in the Western world don’t meet their magnesium needs with diet alone

    To boost intake, many people turn to supplements. However, as multiple varieties of supplemental magnesium exist, it can be difficult to know which one is most appropriate for your needs.

    This article (see link below) reviews 10 various forms of magnesium, as well as their uses. Research to find what magnesiums your body needs.


    On a personal note – Many of us at Ahhhsome have used a magnesium drink called CALM before going to bed. It can be purchased on line or in many retail and wholesale stores.

  • Mistletoe (Viscum album)

    Simply put, herbs can do amazing things.

    Mistletoe, for example, is not just for kissing on Christmas! It's been legal as a treatment for advanced breast cancer in Germany since 1963, though it's widely unknown in the United States.

    Dr. Devra Davis even said in Proven, "Interesting new work suggests that mistletoe can cure some forms of cancer. We don't even understand how it works, but it is clearly working through the immune system."

    Remember to do your homework to learn which herbs are the best for YOUR cancer treatment needs (psst.. Square One has an entire section dedicated to herbs!)


    Trusted resource for Mistletoe -


  • Moringa: (Moringa oleifera)

    In many African languages, this plant is called nebedaye or "never-die." It's a tough, drought-resistant tree with documented medicinal use that dates back to 2000 B.C. In fact, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have said that this tree can be used to prevent and treat over 300 diseases!

    Considering it provides more than 30 natural anti-inflammatory agents and contains more than 40 different antioxidants, it's no wonder that it's referred to as the Miracle Plant.

    If that's not enough, all parts of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes, including the root, seeds, flowers, bark, and leaves. And compared to naturally healthy foods that might already be in your kitchen or on your shopping list, Moringa leaves contain:

    ·  7 times the vitamin C found in oranges

    ·  4 times the calcium in milk

    ·  2 times the protein of yogurt

    ·  4 times the vitamin A in carrots

    ·  25 times the iron in spinach

    ·  3 times the potassium in bananas

    According to a study in The International Journal of Molecular Sciences the extract from Moringa leaves showed greater cytotoxicity for tumor cells than for normal cells, strongly suggesting that it could be an ideal anticancer therapeutic candidate specific to cancer cells.

    Furthermore, both hot water and other extracts from Moringa leaves inhibited the viability of acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and hepatocellular carcinoma cells, without any toxic effects against normal mononuclear cells.


    Trusted resource for Moringa -


    You will or



    So there's an awful lot to learn about how to treat cancer naturally... and we have only scratched the surface here!

  • Nano Detox – Advanced TRS

    Your air, water and food are saturated with toxins—that means your body and mind are too. Advanced TRS uses breakthrough nanotechnology at the cellular level to remove and cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body. All this is performed at the cellular level.

    With its proprietary clinoptilolite zeolite formula, Advanced TRS captures toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lead, chemical toxins, radioactive toxins, and free radicals that impair your body and weigh down your mind. With daily use, a few sprays each morning and evening will reveal your body’s full potential.

    • Naturally Remove Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic
    • Support Healthy Levels of Vital Nutrients like Iron & Calcium
    • Balance pH Levels
    • Boost Immune System Function

    Advanced TRS is designed to remove more toxins than any other zeolite solution. With an average zeolite pore size of 0.7 – 0.9 nanometers as verified by ultra-high resolution microscopy, there is an estimated surface area of 4.8 million sq ft per bottle that is capable of removing toxins. https://www.coseva.com/advanced-trs/

    On a personal note – About a year into my cancer healing journey I learned about Zeolite. I have used it. I think it has made a difference for me especially because I live in the country surrounded by fields that get sprayed with toxic pesticides 2x a year. My tumors are shrinking. I think this stuff is helping. That is a personal belief. I have absolutely no clinical proof that this Zeolite spray is why. I also know it has helped many women with extremely painful periods and endometriosis. Do your research and see what you think.

  • Platt Pro5 Progesterone

    Platt Pro5 Progesterone –  This has been a game changer for many of us at Ahhhsome.


    Progesterone provides benefits to both men and women in three major areas. The first area is its well-known effect in women as the hormone that helps block the detrimental effects of estrogen. In this regard, it helps prevent menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and PMS in those women who are menstruating, along with fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and fibrocystic disease of the breast. It also eliminates other problems caused by estrogen such as asthma, migraine headaches, and morning sickness. In addition, it helps to prevent all cancers caused by estrogen, such as cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries, cervix, colon, and the prostate in men.


    The second major area of benefit from using progesterone is the effect it has on insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is associated with the causation of obesity as well as type II diabetes and its many complications. It is a fact that insulin raises blood pressure and is felt to be a major influence in speeding up the aging process. Progesterone blocks insulin receptor sites on cells, thereby helping to eliminate drops in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). As a result, it prevents sleepiness after eating, between 3 and 4pm, and while driving. This ability to block the effects of insulin also helps with weight loss.


    The third major area of benefit of using progesterone is that it blocks the action and over-production of adrenaline. Adrenaline is popularly known as “the-fight-or-flight” hormone, and excess levels can create anger, road rage, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and teeth grinding. When anger is internalized, it can lead to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, IBS, pls other problems. As a neurotransmitter in the brain, adrenaline can cause the mind to race which can cause problems with focusing – i.e. ADHD, or “brain fog”. It also causes urinary urgency in adults as well as bed-wetting in children. Adrenaline is probably the number one cause of unexplained weight gain. Leg cramps at night are also caused by adrenaline, and can usually be relieved within 30-60 seconds when progesterone is applied to the area of cramping.


    Other benefits:

    1)   It can have a significant effect on the lowering of blood pressure

    2)   It can help infertile women get pregnant

    3)   It can prevent or treat postpartum depression

    4)   It is beneficial for relieving peripheral neuropathy


    For more detailed information on progesterone, please refer to Dr. Platts book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones”, or to the manual, “The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing.”


    On a personal note – Most of us at Ahhhsome use this. We have gotten to the point that we will ask “have you used your progesterone cream today?”. We can tell the difference when someone has or has not used it. It has also made a considerable difference in the mood swings and severity of menstrual cramping for all of us who have used it.


    Several of our husbands also use it. As a result we have seen depression decrease, testosterone increase and, a generally happier demeanor in our men.


    The progesterone we use can be found at this link.




    Again, make sure you do your research. Educate yourself. We highly recommend you read Dr. Platt’s book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones” so that you understand how bio-identical hormones can help you.

  • Red Raspberry leaf tea/supplements

    Red raspberry leaf tea may strengthen the uterine walls and decrease labor time in pregnant woman and relieve premenstrual symptoms in women in general. For most people, it appears to be safe to drink 1–3 cups per day, though intake should be limited to 1 cup during early pregnancy. Its nutrients and antioxidants might provide a boost to health for both men and women. While more research needs to be done to fully understand all of red raspberry leaf tea’s positive attributes, it appears to be safe for most. If you are willing to try an herbal remedy, red raspberry leaf tea might be for you.

    On a personal note – We have a lot of women who come to Ahhhsome and who work at Ahhhsome. Sometimes we talk about all that we are going through with our cycles. For those of us who have had extreme menstrual bleeding, red raspberry leaves have truly helped stop the excessive bleeding. I have also been witness to multiple women using red raspberry for the labor, delivery and post-partum issues due to childbirth. Use your head. Do your own research. This is a jumping off point to help you begin to learn more.

    If you decide you would like to try red raspberry leaves, a great place to get many herbs and teas is Mountain Rose Herbs.


  • Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is the generic term for a group of fat-soluble compounds highly important for human health. They’re essential for many processes in your body, including maintaining healthy vision, ensuring the normal function of your immune system and organs and aiding the proper growth and development of babies in the womb.

    It’s recommended that men get 900 mcg, women 700 mcg and children and adolescents 300–600 mcg of vitamin A per day.

    Vitamin A compounds are found in both animal and plant foods and come in two different forms: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A.

    Preformed vitamin A is known as the active form of the vitamin, which your body can use just as it is.n It’s found in animal products including meat, chicken, fish and dairy and includes the compounds retinol, retinal and retinoic acid.

    Provitamin A carotenoids — alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin — are the inactive form of the vitamin found in plants.

    These compounds are converted to the active form in your body. For example, beta-carotene is converted to retinol (an active form of vitamin A) in your small intestine.

    Here are 6 important health benefits of vitamin A:

    1. Protects your eyes from night blindness and age-related decline
    2. May lower your risk of certain cancers
    3. Supports a healthy immune system
    4. Reduces your risk of acne
    5. Supports bone Health
    6. Promotes healthy growth and reproduction

    On a personal note – This is an incredible compound however it is best utilized by your body when combined with vitamin D3 and K2. For more information on Vitamin A and how it can best benefit your body please read “K2 and the Calcium Paradox - How a little-known vitamin could save your life – by Kate Rheaume-Bleue Bsc ND”. We have information on this book in our book section.

  • Vit B complex

    B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.

    Vitamin B complex helps prevent infections and helps support or promote:

    1. cell health
    2. growth of red blood cells
    3. energy levels
    4. good eyesight
    5. healthy brain function
    6. good digestion
    7. healthy appetite
    8. proper nerve function
    9. hormones and cholesterol production
    10. cardiovascular health
    11. muscle tone

    In women: B vitamins are especially important for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. These vitamins aid in fetal brain development as well as reduce the risk of birth defects.

    And for expectant mothers, B vitamins may boost energy levels, ease nausea, and lower the risk of developing preeclampsia.

    In men: B vitamins are thought to increase testosterone levels in men, which naturally decrease with age. They may also help men build muscle and increase strength. However, human studies confirming these claims are lacking.

    For more information you can start with the following article and research from there.


  • Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. That's because your body can only absorb calcium, the primary component of bone, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity.

    During our recent pandemic there was a lot of talk about how vitamin D3 can possibly help boost the immune system to fend off any unwanted viruses.

    On a personal note – This is an incredible compound however it is best utilized by your body when combined with vitamin A and K2. For more information on Vitamin A and how it can best benefit your body please read “K2 and the Calcium Paradox - How a little-known vitamin could save your life – by Kate Rheaume-Bleue Bsc ND”. We have information on this book in our book section.

  • Vitamin K2

    K2 has many functions in the body, but the most important is helping the body to use calcium and preventing calcification of the arteries, which can lead to heart disease. Emerging studies show a lack of this vitamin is also associated with diseases including osteoporosis.

    If there’s one thing that we need K2 for, it’s preventing calcium from building up in the wrong locations, specifically in soft tissues. Low intake of vitamin K2 can contribute to plaque building in the arteries, tartar forming on the teeth, and hardening of tissues that causes arthritis symptoms, bursitis, reduced flexibility, stiffness and pain.

    Some evidence also suggests that K2 has anti-inflammatory properties and may offer some protection against cancer, including research published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.

    On a personal note – This is an incredible compound however it is best utilized by your body when combined with vitamin A and vitamin D. For more information on Vitamin K2 and how it can best benefit your body please read “K2 and the Calcium Paradox - How a little-known vitamin could save your life – by Kate Rheaume-Bleue Bsc ND”. We have information on this book in our book section.

    The K2 supplement that some of us at Ahhhsome take is MK7 (we know it is a bit of a confusing name). Jarrow Formulas MK-7 180 mcg - 60 Softgels - Superior Vitamin K Product for Building Strong Bones - Supports Heart & Cardiovascular Health - 60 Servings

  • Vital Reds from Dr. Gundry

    Vital Reds are a Concentrated Polyphenol Blend. Gundry MD Vital Reds revolutionary formula combines the power of 34 polyphenol-rich superfruits with natural fat-burning ingredients and probiotics. Vital Reds helps your body maintain higher energy levels, better digestion, and healthier-looking skin.*


    On a personal note – Several of us at Ahhhsome have used Vital Reds for general health and for a natural energy shot in the morning or afternoon. Do your own research and see what you think. If you would like to try Vital Reds Dr. Gundry’s site is gundrymd.com. Just do a search for Vital Reds

  • Zinc

    Zinc is a vital mineral that your body uses in countless ways.

    In fact, zinc is the second-most-abundant trace mineral in your body — after iron — and is present in every cell.

    Zinc is necessary for the activity of over 300 enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many other processes.

    In addition, it’s critical for the development and function of immune cells.

    This mineral is also fundamental to skin health, DNA synthesis and protein production.

    What’s more, body growth and development relies on zinc because of its role in cell growth and division.

    Zinc is also needed for your senses of taste and smell. Because one of the enzymes crucial for proper taste and smell is dependent on this nutrient, a zinc deficiency can reduce your ability to taste or smell.

    For sources and more information please visit this article. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/zinc#function

    On a personal note - Makes me wonder if zinc would help those struggling with the aftereffects of a certain virus, that limits your taste and smell, may benefit from an increase in Zinc? Hummmm……….


  • Chris Wark - Square One cancer coaching

    Chris Beat Cancer. Com - Square One cancer coaching – A cancer survivor and a great resource for those beginning their holistic fight against cancer.

  • Dr. David Hill – Essential oil expert

    Dr. Hill encourages the medical community to look at supplementary options when healing the whole person and encouraging wellness. He looks forward to a future where the essential oil community and modern medicine can co-exist in a doctor’s office so that people will have more options and control of their healthcare. Until this day arrives, he will continue to collaborate with the medical community through studies, trials and capable physicians.

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza - The mind and its power to heal you

    Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence. As a researcher, lecturer, author, and corporate consultant, his interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives.

  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman – Nutrition

    Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a board-certified family physician in private practice in Belle Mead, N.J., who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and is an active staff member of Hunterdon Medical Center.

  • Dr. Michael Greger - Nutrition

    Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition.

  • Dr. Michael Platt - Hormones
    • Board certification in internal medicine: 1972.
    • Internship and residency: Washington hospital center, Washington DC. Medical Doctorate: New York Medical College, New York, NY
    • Undergraduate: Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio

    Since 1997, the Platt Wellness Center has been a pioneer in the research and advancement of the therapeutic use of progesterone cream and other bio-identical hormones. Platt is considered an important pioneer in observational, functional, alternative, and allopathic medicine focused on bio-identical hormones and adrenaline overload.

  • Dr. Richard Schulze – Natural Medicine Doctor

    In addition to acquiring a doctorate in Herbology, Dr. Schulze also received degrees as a Master Herbalist and Herbal Pharmacist, a doctorate in Natural Medicine, three degrees in Iridology and eight certifications in various styles of body therapy. Incredibly, he also possesses a yoga instructor's degree and three black belts in the martial arts.

    On a personal note - If you are looking for a Natural Medicine Doctor, Dr. Schulze should be seriously considered.  

  • Tiffany Garvin - Mental Wellness and healing

    Tiffany Garvin is a #1 bestselling author. She is an executive coach, international speaker, and innovator in the field of personal development. For eighteen years, she struggled with debilitating chronic illnesses. When she finally overcame that challenge, what she learned along the way became the catalyst for her life's work.


    Her vision is to empower people around the world to harness their innate gifts and abilities to overcome their own challenges, live their genius, and create a life they love. Then, invite them to Serve, Love, and Lift those around them.

    Despite her chronic illnesses, she graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian Studies/Chinese and earned a first degree black belt in Kenpo Jiu jitsu. She is happily married, the mother of three children, and loves her life of coaching, speaking, and lifting people toward their potential.


    For more information, visit www.TiffanyGarvin.com and www.ServeLoveLift.com.



  • Beacon Integrative Medical Center

    An integrative medical center located in Rexburg; Idaho dedicated to helping people achieve complete wellness. We understand that the body has the ability to tell us where it is in or out of balance. With this invaluable information we believe that complete healing is not only possible but probable.

    Rexburg Idaho (208)359-2101


  • Sanoviv Medical Institute

    Sanoviv is a fully licensed hospital that offers a unique blend of conventional, complementary, alternative and integrative programs to help maintain your good health and to treat a wide range of diseases. Instead of treating just symptoms as is done in traditional medicine, Sanoviv uses “Functional Medicine” which addresses and treats the underlying causes of disease. Sanoviv was the first medical facility to be certified by the highly regarded institute of Functional Medicine located in Washington.


    On a personal note – We have multiple friends who have visited this hospital with serious health concerns. Each person, without exception has told us that it was an amazing healing experience. If I could go to any hospital in the world to help heal my cancer I would choose Sanoviv.


(Yep... we do these)

  • Ahhhsome Relaxation equipment 3-5x a week (sometimes even 7x per week)

    A wellness journey is just that. A journey. There are course corrections and adjustments along the path to true wellness. Often our guests start out coming frequently and consistently. 2x per day is not unheard of when someone is dealing with a wellness crisis. I personally use equipment 2x daily- 30 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes in the evening. Most of my staff will come in before work or stay after their shift ends to use therapies. consistancy is key.  For most people it is difficult to come once or twice a day once the crisis has calmed down so having a plan or scheduling time to come to Ahhhsome is important.

    Whatever your wellness goals are, recognize that YOU are in control of where you place your healing time and energies. Being a member of Ahhhsome means you are committing to yourself to take the time to work on your mind and body. Ahhhsome Relaxation is a tool to help you succeed. YOU can do this! 

    Make a plan! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If Ahhhsome time is not high on your list of priorities you won’t make it in. All of your grand ideas on how you are going to look and feel because you are a member of Ahhhsome will crumble if you do not come in. Make a date with yourself to come to Ahhhsom often so you can achieve your wellness goals. 

    For more help with the mindset part of getting yourself to Ahhhsome please refer to the “Mind Set Enhancement” section on our website. There you will find lots of great tools to help you get your head in the right space to just get in the car and drive to Ahhhsome or to not feel like you are wasting your time while you are on the equipment. The struggle is real and we know it. Go get yourself some Mind Set Enhancement tools! (Coming Soon) 

  • Eat to live regimen by Dr Furman

    Fuhrman calls this a "Nutritarian" diet. On this plan, you cut down on some carbs (bread, pasta), sugar, and oil. You also quit meat and dairy for at least 6 weeks, and eat more whole fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes, and whole grains. 

    This is an incredible way to increase your daily wellness. Many of us follow an 80/20 rule. We follow the nutritarian diet 80% of the time then, 20% of the time we eat what we want. It is not perfect but it helps with feeling balanced. 

    I have heard it said, “Some days you eat a salad and go to the gym. Other days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put pants on”. 

    Balance is important. :) 

  • EFT

    Also called the “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT) is an emotional version of acupuncture where patients will tap themselves along the meridian points of the body to bring themselves around to better emotional health. 

    This is a method of self help for your emotions. It is often used with veterans suffering from severe PTSD. It is a tapping technique that may help alleviate many of the internal conflicts and emotions you are dealing with but do not want to share or re-live by talking with other people about them. 

    There is a lot of information out there on EFT. YouTube has many practitioners who can guide you though sessions all on your own without you ever having to share anything with anyone or leave the comfort of your home. 

    Watch Linda A. Curran walk you through the EFT process in this short video. Learn more at the PESI blog: http://bit.ly/1iZIiKB

    We also like Brad Yates on YouTube. The guy has an EFT for almost everything. You can find him  at: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eft+tapping+brad+yates

  • Gratitude journal

    This is a fantastic daily practice. 

    As human nature would have it, it takes 7 positives to overcome 1 negative. 

    That’s a lot of positivity needed. It seems like so many of us simply focus on the negative, because well, it is easy and there seems to be so much of the darn stuff.  

    To help change my mindset to focus on the good, I use a gratitude journal. You can buy a fancy one or just a piece of paper but the idea is that you write at least 7 good things down that happened to you every day. 

    It does help and it's fun to go back and read the good things that happened on a given day in time. Sometimes the entries are as reaching as “the sky was blue today. I didn’t die today. Mm toilet still flushes” stuff like that. On other days it’s things like “After 18 months we finally got the lease for our West Jordan location finalized. I went on a fabulous date to Thanksgiving Point with my husband today.  Spencer (my son) was declared Cancer FREE today at Huntsman!!!” . 

    Good times and hard times, but I looked for the things I was grateful for no matter what, even the day my son was diagnosed with cancer.    It helps!

    I heard a speech by a religious leader I respect named Henry B. Eyring about having a gratitude journal. It changed his life. If you would like to listen to the speech, here is the YouTube link. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2007/10/o-remember-remember?lang=eng

    At Ahhhsome Relaxation we have a gratitude board. Before or after your visit to Ahhhsome you can take a few minutes to sit and focus on all you are grateful for. You write down all of the things you are grateful for and then keep the paper with you or hang it on the board. 

    We burn the papers periodically. Usually on a full moon or new moon or some big cosmic event. It just seems to fit. We want to respect all you shared or wrote and throwing those papers away just doesn’t seem right. You can watch our social media to see when we burn them. 

    If you even take just a few minutes to write down the things you are grateful for, it can make a big difference in how your visit goes.

    We also have a “Slay Your Dragons” basket to get rid of the negative stuff in your mind. Scroll down the menu to read more about that. 

  • Grounding (take off your shoes and walk in the grass)

    Ok this one sounds crazy I know but...it works and there is even some real science behind it. 

    There is a movie called “The Earthing Movie” on YouTube about it. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ddtR0XDVU 

    One day I was in a serious funk. I had been fighting depression for a while and I needed to feel happy. Truly happy. I had heard about “Grounding” and thought...Nothing else is working I might as well try it. 

    I put on my bathing suit and went outside to lay in the grass. My young daughter saw me laying out there and laughing came out and asked me what the heck I was doing. I told her I was sad and I thought laying out in the grass might make me feel better. Then I invited her to go change into her bathing suit and try it out with me. A few minutes later she joined me. 

    We layed out for about 30 minutes in the sun on the grass with as much of ourselves on the ground as was modestly possible. Crazy thing, it pulled me out of my funk. It truly worked. I had a fantastic day and many days after. Occasionally I will still pull off my shoes and walk around in the grass if the season permits. You should definitely try it. 

    The cool thing about Ahhhsome is we have grounding therapy year round! Even if it is crazy cold and the ground is covered in snow you can come to Ahhhsome and get your grounding therapy on. 

    The Blue Belt with Green Light Therapy sends the same electrical current through your body as grounding. With the added benefit of the green light therapy and zero gravity...you feel fantastic!

    To learn more go see our Blue Belt with Green Light therapy section under equipment or sit in the lounge and enjoy reading one of our binders with more of the science information on each piece of equipment. You are going to love this place! 

  • Hula hooping (weighted)

    Lymphatic movement 

    Weighted hula hoops are a variation of the original plastic version. As the name suggests, they’re usually heavier. They’re also usually bigger and made of a soft material.

    Some of the benefits of using a weighted hula hoop are:

    • Improved aerobic health
    • Burns calories
    • Reduces fat around your waist and hips
    • Reduces abdominal fat
    • Increases core muscle mass
    • Decreases LDL (bad cholesterol) 
    • Increases your motivation to exercise again 

    What to know about weights and sizes

    • Weighted hula hoops come in a variety of sizes and weights. Hula hoop sizes vary by brand, but in general, adult sizes range between 37 to 41 inches.
    • Hula hooping experts suggest starting with a hoop that reaches somewhere between your waist and mid-chest when the hoop is standing sideways on the ground.
    • Hoop weights range from roughly 1 to 5 pounds. The stronger and more experienced you are, the heavier weight you can handle.
    • It’s important to choose a weight that you can stick with for the duration of your workout. It’s also important to use a weight that doesn’t cause your technique and form to break down, which could increase your risk of an injury.

    If you’re a beginner, you may want to start off with a hoop that’s around 1 to 2 pounds.

    On a personal note: I love my weighted hula hoop. It is an excellent workout that is quiet, so it can easily be done in the early morning without waking anyone. I can also watch TV while I do it without it being turned up too loud. It is not jarring to my joints at all, helps strengthen my pelvic floor, helps me get my 10K steps in a day and is an excellent overall low impact workout. 

    On the down side I have had my hips go numb and had some bruising happen. Just work up to using it for longer periods of time. If you are concerned at all, talk to your doctor to see if it is a good exercise  choice for you.

    For more details about the benefits of hula hooping this link is a good place to start: https://www.healthline.com/health/weighted-hula-hoop

  • Hydrate

    I know you hear about hydrating all the time, as you should because it’s good for you! The hard part is figuring out how to hydrate enough. Here is some motivation and a few tips.

    A few reasons to hydrate:

    • Helps regulate body temperature
    • Keep joints lubricated 
    • Prevents infections 
    • Delivers nutrients to cells
    • Keeps organs functioning properly (especially kidneys, liver and skin)
    • Improves sleep quality
    • Improves cognition 
    • Elevates Mood

    More info on those reasons:                                                                       The importance of hydration from Harvard School of Public Health-- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/the-importance-of-hydration/

    Now that you know the why’s lets talk about a few how’s. Many of us here at Ahhhsome drink a gallon of water a day. Here are a few of our suggestions on how to get it all in.

    Drink it hot - During the cold winter months fill 1 or 2 large thermoses with boiling water. Take some assorted herbal tea bags with you to work. Enjoy lots of different deliciously flavored cups of tea throughout the day. 

    Drink it cold - Make a few large jars of herbal tea in the evening. Let them steep and cool through the evening. Before you head to bed remove the tea bags and place them in the refrigerator. They are flavorful, cold and delicious by morning. Sip on them through the day and voila! Hydration complete!

    Add some flavor boosters - Lemon is one of the original flavor boosters. If you are looking for other flavors you can find all kinds of flavor boosters at the grocery store. It is best to look for those that do not have sugar in them. Some of us like the liquid stevia flavors you can get at many health food stores. 

    Chia seeds - Sometimes no matter how much you adjust the flavor of the water, it is boring. Adding half a teaspoon of chia seeds to your hot or cold water about 30 minutes (or more) before you are ready to drink adds all kinds of nutrition and interest to your beverage. Just make sure that you stir those seeds in as you pour so they don't clump together. When your friends ask what in the world you are drinking just tell them they are frog eggs. LOL. 

    Get a great water bottle - A fun, beautiful or interesting water bottle can just make drinking all that water a little more fun. 

    Use a straw - It just seems easier to chug a bunch of water down if you can do it through a straw. You can find all kinds, metal, BPA free plastic, glass etc...there are cool cases, different shapes and little brushes to keep them clean and convenient to carry. 

    Well, those are the things we do that help us hydrate. We hope these help you hydrate happier every day. 

    P.S. Stay close to a bathroom the first few weeks you drink a gallon a day. 

  • Meditation and prayer (seriously prayer helps)

     Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. 

    The same can be said of prayer. 

    You can use meditation and/or prayer to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of either of these options as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration. 

    People also use these practices to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.

    Some of the benefits of meditation and prayer. 

    • Reduces stress
    • Controls anxiety
    • Promotes emotional health
    • Enhances self-awareness
    • Lengthens attention span
    • May reduce age-related memory loss
    • Can generate kindness
    • May help fight addictions
    • Improves sleep
    • Helps control pain
    • Can decrease blood pressure
    • Accessible anywhere
    • Kinds of meditation - 
    • There are many different kinds of meditation. There really is not a wrong way to meditate. What is important is to find the way that works for you personally. 
    • The most popular types of meditation are:
    • Spiritual or Prayer meditation
    • Mindfulness meditation
    • Focused meditation
    • Movement meditation (like tai chi or yoga)
    • Mantra meditation
    • Transcendental meditation
    • Progressive relaxation 
    • Loving-kindness meditation
    • Visualization meditation
    • Or some combination of these meditations

    For more on each type of meditation please follow the link below: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/types-of-meditation

    On a personal note: Meditation and/or prayer is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional health.

    You can do either anywhere, without special equipment, memberships or training. If you would like some instruction there are many places including courses, support groups, youtube channels, churches, apps and individuals that are widely available to assist you in your quest for peace and balance through prayer and meditation. 

    There are many different styles of meditation. I am personally a fan of yoga meditation and singing bowl meditation. The CALM app is an excellent place to start. It is convenient (because it is on your phone) and offers skilled practitioners who help teach you to find your ZEN. 

    We also have a section here on our website called mind set enhancement. There you will find some excellent meditations to help calm your mind while you are here at Ahhhsome. 

    If you would like more information about meditation please follow this link: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation

  • Music / Sound therapy

    In many ways sound therapy can also be considered a form of meditation. This type of meditation helps keep your mind focused which can be excellent for those venturing into meditation for the first time. 

    If you are feeling lonely, sad, or depressed, playing your favorite tunes by your favorite artist can pluck you right out of your funk. 

    If you are feeling low, need a little pick me up and can’t think of any songs to play, here are a few of our favorites:

    • What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong
    • Back in black - ACDC
    • It’s a beautiful day - Michael Buble
    • Eye of the tiger - Survivor
    • Gracie’s Theme - Paul Cardall
    • Home - Phillip Phillips
    • Somewhere over the rainbow - Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo’ole
    • Sugar - Maroon 5
    • Lola - Mika
    • Standing outside the fire - Garth Brooks (or ANYTHING by Garth) 
    • Go the distance - Michael Bolton
    • Defying gravity - By Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel
    • Oceans - Elenyi
    • This is Me - The Greatest Showman
    • Walk me home - Pink
    • Holding out for a hero - Bonnie Tyler
    • As good as I once was - Toby Keith
    • Superstition - Stevie Wonder
    • Dancing queen - ABBA
    • Here comes the sun - Beatles
    • Old pine - Ben Howard
    • Brick house - The commodores
    • God bless this mess - Bon Jovi
    • More than a feeling - Boston
    • Annies song - John Denver
    • Keep the blues away - Caamp
    • Goin up the country - Canned Heat
    • Extraordinary magic - Ben Rector
    • Landslide - Stevie Nicks
    • Beneath your beautiful - Labrinth
    • Better than today - Rhys Lewis
    • High hopes - Panic! At The Disco
    • Living on a prayer - Bon Jovi
    • You make my dreams - Hall & Oats
    • 100 Years - Five for Fighting
    • Better together - Jack Johnson
    • Don’t stop believin - Journey

  • Putting work and time into keeping important relationships healthy

    We put such an emphasis on work and all the outside pressures that society puts on us that we often forget what is most important. When you watch videos of people at the end of life the relationships they have or do not have anymore are what they focus on. Keeping your focus on what is most important will help you stay grounded and feel happy. 

    Simple suggestions for relationship health: 

    Read a book together and talk about it

    Watch a movie and then visit about it

    (Couples) Do a sway. If you don’t know what a sway is here is a link to a little video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zELf9WL1Pg4

    • Go for a walk every evening or morning
    • (Couples)Take a bath together 
    • Make food together
    • Pray together 
    • Look up a place you want to go and plan out your perfect trip
    • Watch a sunset together
    • Sit around a fire
    • Listen to favorite songs together, maybe even dance around the kitchen.
    • Learn a new skill or craft together
    • Meditate together

  • Relationship with God / Higher Power

    No matter what you are dealing with in life loneliness can be hard. Recognizing you are cared about by someone greater than you can help. 

    Alcoholics Anonymous puts faith as their second step to recovery. This is what they say about faith: “Before a higher power can begin to operate, you must first believe that it can. Someone with an addiction accepts that there is a higher power to help them heal.”

    Ways to connect with God or your higher power:

    • Pray / Meditate. This can be anywhere and anytime. 
    • Listen to inspirational talks or speeches. I personally like Billy Gram sermons, Joel Osteen sermons, Latter Day Saint General Conference sermons, or just “religious motivational speeches” on YouTube
    • Watch videos about near death experiences or angelic encounters
    • Read scripture or religious texts. Christian bookstores are a good place to find uplifting religious texts. 
    • Listen to or play inspiring music. 
    • Go to a 12 step program - I know this one is odd but see my personal notes on my 12 step experience. 
    • Attend a spiritual class, conference or meeting
    • Reach out to an “in tune” person that you respect. Take some time to visit with them about your struggles and get their insights. 
    • Keep a journal with the promptings that come to your mind that encourage you to do good. I often pray that God will let me know what I need to do next in my life and then just sit and listen. I write the words down in a journal. These entries are my conversations with God, my higher power. 

    On a personal note: I have done all of these. Every single one of them. When I was in one of my darkest hours I was invited to go to a 12 step program as a support to my then husband. Unfortunately the marriage did not make it too far past the addiction program because in a nutshell he was not fully committed to it. Moving on...I had been hurt deeply again by his addiction and was angry at him and at God. I don’t want to go into too many details here but the short version is I was angry walking in and I was not angry when I walked out. I found comfort, healing, forgiveness, peace, understanding, love and God in that room. I went with him for 12 wonderful weeks. If you're struggling to find your higher power go into a room full of people seeking for hope and you will find it. 

  • Resting and napping when your body says sleep

    Seems so simple but it can be a challenge. We have had several guests tell us that “Ahhhsome is the best nap in town”. LOL

    Napping can be helpful or harmful depending on a few different factors, such as your age, what time and how long you nap, and the reason for your nap. To get the most benefit from napping, it’s important to learn how each of these factors affects the impact of a nap.

    Article about napping: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene/napping

    Videos about napping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysoGeZQ3dEA

  • Slay your dragons

    We have a place for this. 

    The short version - Slaying your dragons is simple. You sit down with a paper and pen. Take some time to write down all of the things that are causing anger, fear, sadness or any other sort of negative emotion. 

    Once you are done writing it all down, destroy the paper. If you are at Ahhhsome Relaxation you can leave the tiny bits of paper in our “slay your dragons” basket and we will burn them. If you are not at Ahhhsome shred that paper or destroy it any way you like. 

    It is a good idea to follow this up with a gratitude exercise described above. 

    I learned this technique at a marriage seminar by 3 Key Elements. Here is a video that describes the process. It’s about 19 minutes but worthwhile.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MN2n4W_QHI

    On a personal note: I use this for myself but also with my family. If one of my children is having a rough day I encourage them to go “slay a dragon”. It always works! It can help process negative emotions in a big but simple way. I have noticed that by doing this on a regular basis my family and myself stay more mentally balanced and happy. I highly encourage you to give it a try. 

  • Sunshine - Let it in!
    • Vitamin D 
    • Balance and optimize your circadian rhythm. Camping is an excellent way to get in touch with the sun and reset your sleep patterns. 
    • Reduces your risk of dying from certain types of cancer
    • Reduces depression and increases happiness
    • Boosts cognitive function
    • Increases testosterone levels 

    For more information here are a couple of videos to watch: 



    On a personal note: Combine sunshine with meditation and grounding and you will feel like a million bucks. Don’t get burned! Remember moderation in all things.

  • Walking 10,000 steps a day preferably outside

    Movement moves our lymphs. The lymphatic system is part of our waste disposal system. Lack of movement causes a backup of toxins in our bodies which can cause many problems in the body including depression and cancer. 

    At Ahhhsome we have the “Fish Tank Bed” --this gives you the benefit of 10K steps to your lymphatic system in about 15 minutes. If you are sick or depressed this is a great place to start your recovery. It is an amazing therapy, however, it can not give you the benefits to your muscles and joints that 10K actual steps can give you. I love incorporating both the “FTB” and 10K actual steps a day to keep me happy and healthy. 

    A couple of videos on this subject: 

    Walking 10K steps a day: facts and myths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyfdQJp8WME 

    What 10K steps a day does to your body https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1SlS-o7Ij8

    On a personal note: Many of our staff have fitness trackers that we wear. We have competitions and encourage each other to reach our step goals. If you are having a hard time being motivated, find a group of friends and work together to help you all to achieve your step goals. It helps a ton!


  • Squareone.com

    Where do you start when you are fighting cancer? At square one. This is a site run by Christopher Wark. It is a great place for information on ways to fight cancer.


  • Thesacredplant.com

    Do you eed more information on using cannabis to help your body heal and do all it can do? This is an excellent place to get the science.


  • Thetruthaboutcancer.com

    Is western medicine the best place to start your fight against cancer? Maybe, maybe not. There is absolutely no judgement from us at Ahhhsome. Everyone has their own path to walk. If you (or someone you love) has been diagnosed with cancer and you are trying to figure out the best options for YOU, this is an excellent resource to begin your search for your way of fighting your cancer.



  • Doterra

    This is an MLM company with excellent products based on essential oils.

  • Young Living

    This is an MLM company with excellent products based on essential oils.

  • Mountain Rose Herbs

    This is a stand alone business with excellent options for certified organic oils and many other products including herbs, teas, tinctures and more.

gut health

A healthy gut significantly contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved moods, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. When you get sick, your gut health should be one of your first considerations.


On a personal note – There are a bunch of TED talks about how our gut significantly effects our mental health. For many people just balancing the gut helps to significantly balance so many other issues including mental health, hormone balance, pain, sleep issues and so many more. In your quest for health we highly recommend you YouTube some TED talks on, Your gut microbiome, How your belly controls your brain, The gut brain axis, The microbiome and mental health and the surprising dramatic role of nutrition in mental health as well as gut health and pain or gut health and sleep. You will be amazed at all you learn.


When beginning a gut healing journey, you will definitely want to incorporate 4 things. Prebiotics, Probiotics, Enzymes and something that can help seal the holes in your gut. Yes…You most likely have leaky gut if you are dealing with gut issues. In this section you will find more information about all of these and more. Remember to do your research and listen to your GUT.

  • Prebiotics

    Prebiotics are carbohydrates that act as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut. Those bacteria help with various digestive problems, and even boost your immune system. Prebiotic foods have also been shown to improve metabolic health and even help prevent certain diseases.

    These carbs travel undigested to the colon, where they ferment and produce small chain fatty acids that feed the gut flora. Not all plant foods function in this way, but those containing specific types of soluble fiber do.

    Prebiotics are found in: onions, garlic, leeks, soybeans, chicory root, honey, banana, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, leeks, asparagus, barley, oats, apples, konjak root, cocoa, burdock root, flaxseeds, yacon root, jicama root, wheat bran, seaweed, and fiber supplements like Benefiber.

    Since fiber content of these foods may be altered during cooking, try to consume them raw rather than cooked to gain the full health benefits.

    With a variety of options available, you can take your time to find the best prebiotic foods for yourself and your gut.

    On a personal note – When addressing my own gut health I usually eat a banana in the morning before I take my probiotic supplement or eat a probiotic rich food. I want those PRE-biotics in my system ready to feed my PRO-biotics.

  • Probiotics

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that function like good bacteria in the gut. Ingesting foods that contain them or taking probiotic supplements can help repopulate the beneficial bacteria, overwhelming the bad bacteria.

    Probiotics are found in: yogurt, kefir, raw milk, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, sauerkraut, kombucha, pickled vegetables, kimchi, miso, and tempeh.

    On a personal note – If I am really struggling with my mental health or I am recovering from a flu type of illness (vomit and bowel issues) I will take a double dose of probiotics every day until I start feeling better. Once I start to pull out of my anxiety, depression or stomach issues I go back down to a normal suggested dose.

  • Slippery elm

    Slippery elm contains mucilage, a substance that becomes a slick gel when mixed with water. It coats and soothes the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines. It also contains antioxidants that help relieve inflammatory bowel conditions. It is an herbal supplement used orally to treat conditions such as Colitis/diverticulitis, constipation, cough, cystitis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, sore throat, ulcer prevention, and urinary tract infections.


    Side effects commonly cited include nausea and skin irritation. Some people may also experience allergy, usually those who are allergic to elm pollen or have a cross-reactive allergy to peach. Because slippery elm can coat the digestive tract, it may interfere with the absorption of certain drugs.

  • L-Glutamine

    L-Glutamine – (5 grams per tsp suggested) - Glutamine is considered the most important nutrient for healing of 'leaky gut syndrome' because it is the preferred fuel for enterocytes and colonocytes. Low level of serum Glutamine concentration correlated with intestinal barrier disruption, inflammation and diarrheal diseases among children.


    In addition to its important role in digestion, absorption and secretion, the gastrointestinal epithelium serves as a barrier to the diffusion of toxins, allergens and pathogens from the luminal contents into the interstitial tissue. Barrier disruption and diffusion of noxious substances are known to induce mucosal inflammation and tissue injury. In fact, the disruption of gut barrier function plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of numerous gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease and infectious enterocolitis. 


    Mucosal protective factors such as growth factors and nutrients preserve the gut barrier integrity and are beneficial in the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases. L-Glutamine the most abundant amino acid in blood plays a vital role in the maintenance of mucosal integrity. Glutamine is traditionally termed as a nonessential amino acid, is now considered a “conditionally essential” amino acid. Its consumption in small bowel mucosa exceeds the rate of production during catabolic stress such as trauma, sepsis and post-surgery. In the small bowel mucosa, glutamine is an unique nutrient providing fuel for metabolism, regulating cell proliferation, repair and maintaining the gut barrier functions. 


    For more information please start with this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4369670/

  • Bitters – Bitter herbs

    Bitter herbs can work quickly to address impaired digestive capacity like:

    • Bloating
    • Gas
    • Digestive spasm
    • Slow digestion

    Bitter compounds stimulate bitter receptors in the taste buds on the back of the tongue, prompting a cascade of reactions from G-protein coupled receptors sending signals to the brain, to triggering a reflex response to increase gastric acid secretion, digestive enzymes, and other aspects of digestion, “priming” the digestive system and getting it “ready to go”.

    For patients who are just beginning their journey with bitter herbs, a selection of three may make a good “starter pack”

    • Gentian
    •  Wormwood
    • Feverfew

    These three herbs combine well with aromatic digestives, such as ginger and chen pi. Ideally, taking bitter herbs 15 to 30 minutes before every meal allows time for the bitter compounds to get to work, promoting optimal nutrient extraction and other positive benefits. And if the bitter taste isn’t too overwhelming, tasting the herb before consuming supports additional interactions between bitter compounds and bitter receptors.

    To begin learning more: https://wholisticmatters.com/bitter-herbs-digestive-health-and-more/

  • Quercetin

    1-3 milligrams daily - Natural bioflavonoid, Mass cell inhibitor, Protection from Allergies. The present study suggests that quercetin affects the progress of microbiota-associated diseases.  Notably, quercetin supplementation increased gut microbial diversity, which may improve gut protection.


    “Quercetin supplementation generated a great impact on gut microbiota composition at different taxonomic levels, attenuating Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio and inhibiting the growth of bacterial species previously associated to diet-induced obesity (Erysipelotrichaceae, Bacillus, Eubacterium cylindroides).”


    Quercetin is contained in abundance in apples, honey, raspberries, onions, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables [2]. Among vegetables and fruits, quercetin content is highest in onions.

  • Oligosaccharides

    Oligosaccharides are a type of carbohydrate formed when three to 10 simple sugars are linked together. 1 Small amounts occur naturally in many plants, but chicory root and Jerusalem artichokes (the root of a member of the sunflower family) have the most oligosaccharides.

  • De-glycerinated Licorice Root Extract

    Traditionally, women have used licorice root extract to balance their hormones during menstruation and menopause. Today, licorice is present in some home remedies.

    People believe licorice eases a sore throat, treats ulcers, and helps clear respiratory infections such as bronchitis.

    Licorice root may even treat viral infections, such as hepatitis. Clinical trials have found that an injectable form of licorice extract has shown effects against hepatitis C that are beneficial. More research is needed to determine whether this is a viable treatment option.

    Some doctors and alternative health advocates recommend DGL for acid reflux.

    According to a 2014 Source, DGL was shown to promote mucus activity. This extra mucus may act as a barrier to acid in the stomach and esophagus. This barrier can allow the damaged tissue to heal and prevent future occurrences of acid reflux.

    A 2018 study found that DGL was more effective than acid-suppressive drugs. This supported earlier research.

    For more information: https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/dgl-for-acid-reflux

  • Aloe

    Aloe vera gel is widely known to relieve sunburn and help heal wounds. But did you know that your favorite potted plant can be used for much more than sunburn relief and household décor?

    The succulent has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient Egypt. The plant is native to North Africa, Southern Europe, and the Canary Islands. Today, aloe vera is grown in tropical climates worldwide. From relieving heartburn to potentially slowing the spread of breast cancer, researchers are just beginning to unlock the benefits of this universal plant and its many byproducts.

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder that often results in heartburn. A 2010 review suggested that consuming 1 to 3 ounces of aloe gel at mealtime could reduce the severity of GERD. It may also ease other digestion-related problems. The plant’s low toxicity makes it a safe and gentle remedy for heartburn.

    Other uses: Lowering blood sugar, natural laxative, skin care, potential to fight breast cancer.

    There are a number of ways to use the aloe vera plant and the various gels and extracts that can be made from it. Researchers are continuing to discover new methods to put this succulent to use. Be sure to consult your doctor if you plan to use aloe vera in a medicinal manner, especially if you take medication.

  • Algae

    “Now, researchers at the University of California San Diego have completed the first study examining the effects of consuming C. reinhardtii and demonstrated that the algae improves human gastrointestinal issues associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) such as diarrhoea, gas and bloating.”Feb 14, 2020


    For more information: https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/news/105178/study-shows-significant-benefits-to-gut-health-from-algae-consumption/


Not fun for anyone. Low-T can effect: a mans' ability to maintain muscle mass, contribute to sudden weight loss, irritability, and his sex drive. The decrease can be especially noticeable around 40 years old.

  • Platt Pro5 Progesterone

    Platt Pro5 Progesterone –  This has been a game changer for many of us at Ahhhsome.


    Progesterone provides benefits to both men and women in three major areas. The first area is its well-known effect in women as the hormone that helps block the detrimental effects of estrogen. In this regard, it helps prevent menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and PMS in those women who are menstruating, along with fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and fibrocystic disease of the breast. It also eliminates other problems caused by estrogen such as asthma, migraine headaches, and morning sickness. In addition, it helps to prevent all cancers caused by estrogen, such as cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries, cervix, colon, and the prostate in men.


    The second major area of benefit from using progesterone is the effect it has on insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is associated with the causation of obesity as well as type II diabetes and its many complications. It is a fact that insulin raises blood pressure and is felt to be a major influence in speeding up the aging process. Progesterone blocks insulin receptor sites on cells, thereby helping to eliminate drops in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). As a result, it prevents sleepiness after eating, between 3 and 4pm, and while driving. This ability to block the effects of insulin also helps with weight loss.


    The third major area of benefit of using progesterone is that it blocks the action and over-production of adrenaline. Adrenaline is popularly known as “the-fight-or-flight” hormone, and excess levels can create anger, road rage, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and teeth grinding. When anger is internalized, it can lead to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, IBS, pls other problems. As a neurotransmitter in the brain, adrenaline can cause the mind to race which can cause problems with focusing – i.e. ADHD, or “brain fog”. It also causes urinary urgency in adults as well as bed-wetting in children. Adrenaline is probably the number one cause of unexplained weight gain. Leg cramps at night are also caused by adrenaline, and can usually be relieved within 30-60 seconds when progesterone is applied to the area of cramping.


    Other benefits:

    1)   It can have a significant effect on the lowering of blood pressure

    2)   It can help infertile women get pregnant

    3)   It can prevent or treat postpartum depression

    4)   It is beneficial for relieving peripheral neuropathy


    For more detailed information on progesterone, please refer to Dr. Platts book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones”, or to the manual, “The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing.”


    On a personal note – Most of us at Ahhhsome use this. We have gotten to the point that we will ask “have you used your progesterone cream today?”. We can tell the difference when someone has or has not used it. It has also made a considerable difference in the mood swings and severity of menstrual cramping for all of us who have used it.


    Several of our husbands also use it. As a result we have seen depression decrease, testosterone increase and, a generally happier demeanor in our men.


    The progesterone we use can be found at this link.




    Again, make sure you do your research. Educate yourself. We highly recommend you read Dr. Platt’s book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones” so that you understand how bio-identical hormones can help you.

    These carbs travel undigested to the colon, where they ferment and produce small chain fatty acids that feed the gut flora. Not all plant foods function in this way, but those containing specific types of soluble fiber do.

    Prebiotics are found in: onions, garlic, leeks, soybeans, chicory root, honey, banana, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, leeks, asparagus, barley, oats, apples, konjak root, cocoa, burdock root, flaxseeds, yacon root, jicama root, wheat bran, seaweed, and fiber supplements like Benefiber.

    Since fiber content of these foods may be altered during cooking, try to consume them raw rather than cooked to gain the full health benefits.

    With a variety of options available, you can take your time to find the best prebiotic foods for yourself and your gut.

    On a personal note – When addressing my own gut health I usually eat a banana in the morning before I take my probiotic supplement or eat a probiotic rich food. I want those PRE-biotics in my system ready to feed my PRO-biotics.

  • Umzu: Think again Low T bundle

    Low T is not caused by age alone - Low T is caused by micronutrient deficiencies that may develop from exposure to endocrine disruptors over time. The Think Again Low T bundle provides everything a man needs to correct those micronutrient deficiencies and even prevent the deficiencies from occurring in the first place.


    Testro – X: Testosterone Booster

    Betaine HCL: Digestive Support

    Cortigon: Stress Relief and Focus Enhancement

    Redwood: Nitric Oxcide & Circulatory Support


    To purchase follow this link: https://umzu.com/collections/all/products/low-t-bundle-testro-x-betaine-cortigon-redwood

    On a personal note: This was recommended from two reliable sources. I ordered it. I highly recommend this bundle. It works. Enough said.


Not fun for anyone. Hormones can and do affect a womans' ability to maintain muscle mass, contribute to sudden weight loss, irritability, and her sex drive. Hormone balance seems to happen to females at many points throughout their lives. These solutions can help no matter the age. 

  • Platt Pro5 Progesterone

    Platt Pro5 Progesterone –  This has been a game changer for many of us at Ahhhsome.


    Progesterone provides benefits to both men and women in three major areas. The first area is its well-known effect in women as the hormone that helps block the detrimental effects of estrogen. In this regard, it helps prevent menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and PMS in those women who are menstruating, along with fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and fibrocystic disease of the breast. It also eliminates other problems caused by estrogen such as asthma, migraine headaches, and morning sickness. In addition, it helps to prevent all cancers caused by estrogen, such as cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries, cervix, colon, and the prostate in men.


    The second major area of benefit from using progesterone is the effect it has on insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is associated with the causation of obesity as well as type II diabetes and its many complications. It is a fact that insulin raises blood pressure and is felt to be a major influence in speeding up the aging process. Progesterone blocks insulin receptor sites on cells, thereby helping to eliminate drops in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). As a result, it prevents sleepiness after eating, between 3 and 4pm, and while driving. This ability to block the effects of insulin also helps with weight loss.


    The third major area of benefit of using progesterone is that it blocks the action and over-production of adrenaline. Adrenaline is popularly known as “the-fight-or-flight” hormone, and excess levels can create anger, road rage, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and teeth grinding. When anger is internalized, it can lead to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, IBS, pls other problems. As a neurotransmitter in the brain, adrenaline can cause the mind to race which can cause problems with focusing – i.e. ADHD, or “brain fog”. It also causes urinary urgency in adults as well as bed-wetting in children. Adrenaline is probably the number one cause of unexplained weight gain. Leg cramps at night are also caused by adrenaline, and can usually be relieved within 30-60 seconds when progesterone is applied to the area of cramping.


    Other benefits:

    1)   It can have a significant effect on the lowering of blood pressure

    2)   It can help infertile women get pregnant

    3)   It can prevent or treat postpartum depression

    4)   It is beneficial for relieving peripheral neuropathy


    For more detailed information on progesterone, please refer to Dr. Platts book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones”, or to the manual, “The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing.”


    On a personal note – Most of us at Ahhhsome use this. We have gotten to the point that we will ask “have you used your progesterone cream today?”. We can tell the difference when someone has or has not used it. It has also made a considerable difference in the mood swings and severity of menstrual cramping for all of us who have used it.


    Several of our husbands also use it. As a result we have seen depression decrease, testosterone increase and, a generally happier demeanor in our men.


    The progesterone we use can be found at this link.




    Again, make sure you do your research. Educate yourself. We highly recommend you read Dr. Platt’s book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones” so that you understand how bio-identical hormones can help you.

    These carbs travel undigested to the colon, where they ferment and produce small chain fatty acids that feed the gut flora. Not all plant foods function in this way, but those containing specific types of soluble fiber do.

    Prebiotics are found in: onions, garlic, leeks, soybeans, chicory root, honey, banana, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, leeks, asparagus, barley, oats, apples, konjak root, cocoa, burdock root, flaxseeds, yacon root, jicama root, wheat bran, seaweed, and fiber supplements like Benefiber.

    Since fiber content of these foods may be altered during cooking, try to consume them raw rather than cooked to gain the full health benefits.

    With a variety of options available, you can take your time to find the best prebiotic foods for yourself and your gut.

    On a personal note – When addressing my own gut health I usually eat a banana in the morning before I take my probiotic supplement or eat a probiotic rich food. I want those PRE-biotics in my system ready to feed my PRO-biotics.

  • Female hormone blend

    There are 3 options here that we like. One seems to be more potent and addresses more hormone factors (according to our own bodies) but is more expensive.  The others help lots of us around here stay sane with the benefit of relatively low cost.

    1) The most potent but also more expensive option is: Umzu (Umzu.com) Umzu is a fantastic supplement company. We love their products. Super potent and effective. They have a Hormone Bundle with 3 supplements Thyrite, Vutamin D3 and Cortigon. If you are feeling close to the edge and need a super boost we like this bundle. ($90.82 - $106.85)

    2) The slightly less potent but nearly as effective is Dr. Shculze’s female formula. Like the bottle says…Herbal formula that works!  ($28 - $48)  

    3) The less potent (to us) but still works well, is less expensive and easiest to get your hands on (because, many retail stores and health stores carry it) option is: Irwin Naturals Menstrual Relief Hormone Balance - Plant-Based PMS Symptom Support Supplement. This stuff is great and works best if taken according to the label. ($23 on amazon and iherb.com $26.65 at walmart)

  • Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Welscher

    Are you unhappy with your current method of birth control? Or are you demoralized by your quest to have a baby? Do you also experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycle, but are frustrated by a lack of simple explanations?

    This invaluable resource will help you find the answer to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your own body.

    Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy naturally, or simply gain better control of their health and lives. This book thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:

    • maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor, or expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement
    • enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices
    • gain control of your sexual and gynecological health

    This expanded new edition includes:

    • a revolutionary new, fully intuitive charting system
    • numerous new master charts, including separate ones for pregnancy achievement and birth control
    • the latest on fertility conditions and high-tech treatments
    • comprehensive tables that clearly summarize fertility-related drugs and procedures

    visit the website:


    Buy the book:


  • Iodine

    Iodine is an essential mineral. It’s most important role is it’s use by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control about 600 functions. It’s a super important mineral. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: Fatigue, dry skin, swollen neck, sensitivity to cold, constipation, irregular periods, stunted growth in infants, hair loss, unexpected weight gain, slower heart rate, puffy face, muscle weakness, pain or stiffness in the muscles and joints, depression, poor memory, frequent choking, a heavier than normal period in menstruating women, low IQ, trouble learning, heart disease, infertility and birth issues.

    Yep. This is a super important one. If you think you are iodine deficient talk to your doctor. To much iodine can be super bad. That said, most of  the people in America are iodine deficient.

    The iodine my doctor told me to take is Iodoral 12.5. I get it from Amazon. Optimox Iodoral 12.5 mg - Original High Potency Lugol Solution Iodine Nutritional Supplement - Energy and Thyroid Support - 240 Tablets. It is a tablet so no disgusting iodine taste in your mouth

  • Balance Your Gut Health

    A healthy gut significantly contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. When you get sick your gut health should be one of your first considerations.


    On a personal note – There are a bunch of TED talks about how our gut significantly affects our mental health. For many people just balancing the gut helps to significantly balance so many other issues including mental health, hormone balance, pain, sleep issues and so many more. In your quest for health we highly recommend you YouTube some TED talks on, Your gut microbiome, How your belly controls your brain, The gut brain axis, The microbiome and mental health and The surprising dramatic role of nutrition in mental health as well as gut health and pain or gut health and sleep. You will be amazed at all you learn.


    When beginning a gut healing journey, you will definitely want to incorporate 4 things. Prebiotics, Probiotics, Enzymes and Something that can help seal the holes in your gut. Yes…You most likely have leaky gut if you are dealing with gut issues. In this section you will find more information about all of these and more. Remember to do your research and listen to your GUT.

    For more info about how to balanc your gut, scroll back up to the "Gut Health" and click the different drop down buttons to read more.

  • De-glycerinated Licorice Root Extract

    Traditionally, women have used licorice root extract to balance their hormones during menstruation and menopause. Today, licorice is present in some home remedies.

    People believe licorice eases a sore throat, treats ulcers, and helps clear respiratory infections such as bronchitis.

    Licorice root may even treat viral infections, such as hepatitis. Clinical trials have found that an injectable form of licorice extract has shown effects against hepatitis C that are beneficial. More research is needed to determine whether this is a viable treatment option.

    Some doctors and alternative health advocates recommend DGL for acid reflux.

    According to a 2014 Source, DGL was shown to promote mucus activity. This extra mucus may act as a barrier to acid in the stomach and esophagus. This barrier can allow the damaged tissue to heal and prevent future occurrences of acid reflux.

    A 2018 study found that DGL was more effective than acid-suppressive drugs. This supported earlier research.

    For more information: https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/dgl-for-acid-reflux


  • Red Raspberry leaf tea/supplements

    Red raspberry leaf tea may strengthen the uterine walls and decrease labor time in pregnant woman and relieve premenstrual symptoms in women in general. For most people, it appears to be safe to drink 1–3 cups per day, though intake should be limited to 1 cup during early pregnancy. Its nutrients and antioxidants might provide a boost to health for both men and women. While more research needs to be done to fully understand all of red raspberry leaf tea’s positive attributes, it appears to be safe for most. If you are willing to try an herbal remedy, red raspberry leaf tea might be for you.

    On a personal note – We have a lot of women who come to Ahhhsome and who work at Ahhhsome. Sometimes we talk about all that we are going through with our cycles. For those of us who have had extreme menstrual bleeding, red raspberry leaves have truly helped stop the excessive bleeding. I have also been witness to multiple women using red raspberry for the labor, delivery and post-partum issues due to childbirth. Use your head. Do your own research. This is a jumping off point to help you begin to learn more.

    If you decide you would like to try red raspberry leaves, a great place to get many herbs and teas is Mountain Rose Herbs.


  • High dose vitamin C

    This is an interesting one to research if you have cancer or an autoimmune illness. Many of us here at Ahhhsome have used this protocol to help with everything from the common cold to cancer. This article on the Chris Beat Cancer website is a good place to start researching if this protocol is one you would like to try. 


  • Platt Pro5 Progesterone

    Platt Pro5 Progesterone –  This has been a game changer for many of us at Ahhhsome.


    Progesterone provides benefits to both men and women in three major areas. The first area is its well-known effect in women as the hormone that helps block the detrimental effects of estrogen. In this regard, it helps prevent menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and PMS in those women who are menstruating, along with fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and fibrocystic disease of the breast. It also eliminates other problems caused by estrogen such as asthma, migraine headaches, and morning sickness. In addition, it helps to prevent all cancers caused by estrogen, such as cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries, cervix, colon, and the prostate in men.


    The second major area of benefit from using progesterone is the effect it has on insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is associated with the causation of obesity as well as type II diabetes and its many complications. It is a fact that insulin raises blood pressure and is felt to be a major influence in speeding up the aging process. Progesterone blocks insulin receptor sites on cells, thereby helping to eliminate drops in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). As a result, it prevents sleepiness after eating, between 3 and 4pm, and while driving. This ability to block the effects of insulin also helps with weight loss.


    The third major area of benefit of using progesterone is that it blocks the action and over-production of adrenaline. Adrenaline is popularly known as “the-fight-or-flight” hormone, and excess levels can create anger, road rage, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and teeth grinding. When anger is internalized, it can lead to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, IBS, pls other problems. As a neurotransmitter in the brain, adrenaline can cause the mind to race which can cause problems with focusing – i.e. ADHD, or “brain fog”. It also causes urinary urgency in adults as well as bed-wetting in children. Adrenaline is probably the number one cause of unexplained weight gain. Leg cramps at night are also caused by adrenaline, and can usually be relieved within 30-60 seconds when progesterone is applied to the area of cramping.


    Other benefits:

    1)   It can have a significant effect on the lowering of blood pressure

    2)   It can help infertile women get pregnant

    3)   It can prevent or treat postpartum depression

    4)   It is beneficial for relieving peripheral neuropathy


    For more detailed information on progesterone, please refer to Dr. Platts book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones”, or to the manual, “The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing.”


    On a personal note – Most of us at Ahhhsome use this. We have gotten to the point that we will ask “have you used your progesterone cream today?”. We can tell the difference when someone has or has not used it. It has also made a considerable difference in the mood swings and severity of menstrual cramping for all of us who have used it.


    Several of our husbands also use it. As a result we have seen depression decrease, testosterone increase and, a generally happier demeanor in our men.


    The progesterone we use can be found at this link.




    Again, make sure you do your research. Educate yourself. We highly recommend you read Dr. Platt’s book, “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones” so that you understand how bio-identical hormones can help you.

    These carbs travel undigested to the colon, where they ferment and produce small chain fatty acids that feed the gut flora. Not all plant foods function in this way, but those containing specific types of soluble fiber do.

    Prebiotics are found in: onions, garlic, leeks, soybeans, chicory root, honey, banana, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, leeks, asparagus, barley, oats, apples, konjak root, cocoa, burdock root, flaxseeds, yacon root, jicama root, wheat bran, seaweed, and fiber supplements like Benefiber.

    Since fiber content of these foods may be altered during cooking, try to consume them raw rather than cooked to gain the full health benefits.

    With a variety of options available, you can take your time to find the best prebiotic foods for yourself and your gut.

    On a personal note – When addressing my own gut health I usually eat a banana in the morning before I take my probiotic supplement or eat a probiotic rich food. I want those PRE-biotics in my system ready to feed my PRO-biotics.

  • Female hormone blend

    There are 3 options here that we like. One seams more potent and addresses more hormone factors (according to our own bodies) but is more expensive.  The others help lots of us around here stay sane with the benefit of relatively low cost.

    1) The most potent but also more expensive option is: Umzu (Umzu.com) Umzu is a fantastic supplement company. We love their products. Super potent and effective. They have a Hormone Bundle with 3 supplements Thyrite, Vutamin D3 and Cortigon. If you are feeling close to the edge and need a super boost we like this bundle. ($90.82 - $106.85)

    2) The slightly less potent but nearly as effective is Dr. Shculze’s female formula. Like the bottle says…Herbal formula that works!  ($28 - $48)  

    3) The less potent (to us) but still works well, is less expensive and easiest to get your hands on (because, many retail stores and health stores carry it) option is: Irwin Naturals Menstrual Relief Hormone Balance - Plant-Based PMS Symptom Support Supplement. This stuff is great and works best if taken according to the label. ($23 on amazon and iherb.com $26.65 at walmart)

  • Iodine

    Iodine is an essential mineral. It’s most important role is it’s use by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control about 600 functions. It’s a super important mineral. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: Fatigue, dry skin, swollen neck, sensitivity to cold, constipation, irregular periods, stunted growth in infants, hair loss, unexpected weight gain, slower heart rate, puffy face, muscle weakness, pain or stiffness in the muscles and joints, depression, poor memory, frequent choking, a heavier than normal period in menstruating women, low IQ, trouble learning, heart disease, infertility and birth issues.

    Yep. This is a super important one. If you think you are iodine deficient talk to your doctor. To much iodine can be super bad. That said most of America is iodine deficient.

    The iodine my doctor told me to take is Iodoral 12.5. I get it from Amazon. Optimox Iodoral 12.5 mg - Original High Potency Lugol Solution Iodine Nutritional Supplement - Energy and Thyroid Support - 240 Tablets. It is a tablet so no disgusting iodine taste in your mouth

  • Nano Detox – Advanced TRS

    Your air, water and food are saturated with toxins—that means your body and mind are too. Advanced TRS uses breakthrough nanotechnology at the cellular level to remove and cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body. All this is performed at the cellular level.

    With its proprietary clinoptilolite zeolite formula, Advanced TRS captures toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lead, chemical toxins, radioactive toxins, and free radicals that impair your body and weigh down your mind. With daily use, a few sprays each morning and evening will reveal your body’s full potential.

    • Naturally Remove Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic
    • Support Healthy Levels of Vital Nutrients like Iron & Calcium
    • Balance pH Levels
    • Boost Immune System Function

    Advanced TRS is designed to remove more toxins than any other zeolite solution. With an average zeolite pore size of 0.7 – 0.9 nanometers as verified by ultra-high resolution microscopy, there is an estimated surface area of 4.8 million sq ft per bottle that is capable of removing toxins. https://www.coseva.com/advanced-trs/

    On a personal note – About a year into my cancer healing journey I learned about Zeolite. I have used it. I think it has made a difference for me especially because I live in the country surrounded by fields that get sprayed with toxic pesticides 2x a year. My tumors are shrinking. I think this stuff is helping. That is a personal belief. I have absolutely no clinical proof that this Zeolite spray is why. I also know it has helped many women with extremely painful periods and endometriosis. Do your research and see what you think.


  • Balance Your Gut Health

    A healthy gut significantly contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. When you get sick your gut health should be one of your first considerations.


    On a personal note – There are a bunch of TED talks about how our gut significantly effects our mental health. For many people just balancing the gut helps to significantly balance so many other issues including mental health, hormone balance, pain, sleep issues and so many more. In your quest for health we highly recommend you YouTube some TED talks on, Your gut microbiome, How your belly controls your brain, The gut brain axis, The microbiome and mental health and The surprising dramatic role of nutrition in mental health as well as gut health and pain or gut health and sleep. You will be amazed at all you learn.


    When beginning a gut healing journey, you will definitely want to incorporate 4 things. Prebiotics, Probiotics, Enzymes and Something that can help seal the holes in your gut. Yes…You most likely have leaky gut if you are dealing with gut issues. In this section you will find more information about all of these and more. Remember to do your research and listen to your GUT.

    For more info about how to balanc your gut, scroll back up to the "Gut Health" and click the different drop down buttons to read more.

  • Youtube: Be Bold - Jodi Moore
  • Books: You are the placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Is it possible to heal by thought alone - without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect. In You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson’s disease by believing in a placebo. Similarly, Dr. Joe tells of how others have gotten sick and even died the victims of a hex or voodoo curse - or after being misdiagnosed with a fatal illness. Belief can be so strong that pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies to try to exclude the power of the mind over the body when evaluating new drugs.

    Dr. Joe does more than simply explore the history and the physiology of the placebo effect. He asks the question: “Is it possible to teach the principles of the placebo, and without relying on any external substance, produce the same internal changes in a person’s health and ultimately in his or her life?” Then he shares scientific evidence (including color brain scans) of amazing healings from his workshops, in which participants learn his model of personal transformation, based on practical applications of the so-called placebo effect. The book ends with a “how-to” meditation for changing beliefs and perceptions that hold us back - the first step in healing.

    You Are the Placebo combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect...and show how the seemingly impossible can become possible.

    Dr. Joe Dispenza - Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence. As a researcher, lecturer, author, and corporate consultant, his interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives.

  • Books: Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis

    Does it sometimes feel like everybody else has life figured out except you? Rachel Hollis, author of Girl, Wash Your Face, wants you to know that’s a lie. Life is messy and complicated for everyone, but once you understand that you are in control of your life, you can begin to live with passion, joy and confidence.

    Aimed at women who feel overwhelmed and unworthy, Girl, Wash Your Face examines 20 lies that can hold you back from becoming who you were meant to be. Hollis details her own mistakes, traumas and life lessons, and shares with readers the strategies she used to overcome these lies and find true happiness. 


These are real and they are painful

  • Milk thistle extract

    Milk thistle is a flowering plant that comes from the same family of plants as the daisy. It grows in Mediterranean countries and is used to make natural remedies.

    Different parts of the milk thistle plant may be used to treat various health conditions. The most common use of milk thistle is for liver problems. Some claim it can help treat: cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, gallbladder disorders.

    Other potential health benefits include protecting heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and helping people manage type 2 diabetes.

  • Lemon juice and olive oil cleanse

    This method involves not eating for 12 hours during the day and then, at 7 p.m., drinking four tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice — eight times every 15 minutes.

  • Apple and Vegetable Juice Cleanse

    This method involves drinking only apple juice and vegetable juice until 5 p.m. After 5 p.m., drink 18 milliliters (ml) of olive oil and 9 ml of lemon juice every 15 minutes until you’ve consumed eight ounces of olive oil.

    On a personal note - I have had significant gallbladder problems 2 times in my life. The first when I was 19 and the second when I was 40. I did the Lemon juice and olive oil cleanse both times.

    It is terribly unpleasant and yes, I threw up a bunch! That said…I completed the cleanse both times and it absolutely worked! Once completed I did not want olive oil for a LONG time (LOL) but after only a few short hours I was completely out of pain. No medical bills, no scars, no more pain. Do your research but, it worked for me.


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