Extra Ahhhsome Benefits

Extra Ahhhsome benefits

Here at Ahhhsome we strive to create a healing environment, not only for your body but for your mind as well. We want all of our members to feel a sense of welcome and comfort from the moment they walk in our door. We have designed Ahhhsome Relaxation to be a sanctuary of peace and healing. These are some of the extra things that Ahhhsome provides to help you feel the warm comfortable feelings that we all need to heal both physically and mentally.

24/7 Access

Life gets crazy and sometimes its hard to find time for yourself until late at night or early in the morning. We have made Ahhhsome accessible to our members 24/7 so you can enjoy some peace and healing whenever you need it, day or night!

Relaxing Music

From the moment you walk into Ahhhsome you will hear beautiful peace inspiring music floating throughout every room for our members to enjoy.

New Member Bag

Every new member receives an Ahhhsome tote bag so you can build your ideal relaxation kit! Some of our favorite things to put in our relaxation kit is a refillable water bottle, a soft blanket (or two), a good book, some headphones to listen to your favorite relaxing music or meditation.

Hot and Chilled

Hand Towels

To start your Ahhhsome visit off right, we provide hot or chilled towels (in the summer) for our members so you start their visit feeling clean and rejuvenated.

Aroma Therapy Hand Sanitizer

Along with our hot and chilled hand towels, we have provided aroma therapy hand sanitizer. Our natural blend of Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera and Essential Oils gives your visit to Ahhhsome a feeling of freshness so you are ready to enjoy your highest level of relaxation.

Cozy Chairs & Wi-fi

There is nothing quite like sinking into a soft comfortable chair, enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate, and letting the day's worries melt away. Our cozy chairs are here to provide comfort for you and anyone who may want to join you in our healing lounge. We also offer free Wi-fi throughout Ahhhsome.

Slay Your Dragons Basket

 Peace & Gratitude Board

Sometimes there are unpleasant things that sit with us for longer than they should. Negative feelings towards others, embarrassing moments, or those thoughts that put you down, can be so heavy. Ahhhsome’s  Slay Your Dragons basket is where you can leave all these things behind. We encourage you to write out what you’re wanting to let go of and leave it in our basket. At the end of every month we take those dragons you left in the basket and burn them. Your mental health matters more than you know and we want to give you the sharpest tools to slay those dragons.

One of the best ways to achieve and maintain an enduring positive outlook is to write down what you are grateful for! Gratitude can bring so much peace and abundance into your life! We encourage you to write down what you’re grateful for and hang it on our Gratitude & Peace board. Sometimes all it takes is acknowledging the good for more wonderful things to come to you!


Everybody needs a snack now and then. Whether you are in need of something sweet, salty, crunchy or refreshing, we’ve got you covered!  Our convenient well lit vending station is ready to serve.

Stay Hydrated

We highly suggest bringing a water bottle with you every time you come to Ahhhsome. A lot of our therapies help with detoxing the body so it is incredibly important to stay hydrated! We have provided a spot to refill your water bottle for your convenience. Using a refillable water bottle is also so much better for this wonderful planet we call home!

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