Fish Tank Bed Instructions

"Fish Tank Bed"

Information and Instruction video

An informational and instructional video


DO NOT USE if you have:

  • Epilepsy
  • or are pregnant


Learn more about the science behind the "Fish Tank Bed". Listen to this informative recording as you enjoy your therapy session.

"Fish Tank Bed"

Written Instructions & Information

This therapy suite incorporates 2 therapies in one. 

FAR Infrared Heat and Chi

CAUTION Please consult your physician before using the “Fish Tank Bed” if you have any serious medical conditions.

Do not use this machine if you have epilepsy or are more than 16 weeks pregnant!

Step 1 - Cleanliness

1) Wipe down any surfaces you may touch with the cleaner and towels located in the cleaning station. Lay your blanket over the pillow and rest of the bed.

Step 2 - Heat Timer

2. Press each of the (1) buttons once to set the timer for each of the infrared heat domes for 15 minutes. 

Step 3 - Start Heat

3. Press the (2) button to start the time and begin the heat. 

Step 4 - "Fish Movement" timer

4. Press the (3) button to your desired amount of time, 5 to 10 minutes is suggested. 

Step 5 - Get Situated

5. If you need the bolster or risers, place them on the bed then sit on the bed with your legs extended to either side of the "fish machine". Carefully and gently lower each of the domes down over your body. 

Step 6 - Get Comfortable

6. Position your body on the bed as instructed by your guide on your previous visits

Step 7 - Ankle placement

7. Place your ankles on the blue pad on the “Fish Machine”

Step 8 - Start the "Fish" motion

8. Press the (4) button to start your motion therapy and relax.

How to get the most out of your treatment

The motion will continue for 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of only heat. When the movement stops, DO NOT MOVE.

Most of the therapeutic benefit of the CHI occurs after it quits moving.

Please do not use longer than 15 minutes at a time.

Step 10 - Finish

10. If you desire to end the treatment early, please press the (2) and (4) buttons to turn everything off.

If you get too hot, gently open the dome closest to you in an arching motion.

Once your treatment is finished, please put the bolster pillow and risers back in their proper place (if you used them). Remove your blanket and wipe down the parts of the bed, bolster and risers you touched. If you were in the Peace Rooms, open the privacy curtain.  Enjoy the rest of your visit. 

About "FTB" Therapies:

CAUTION – Please consult your physician before using the “Fish Tank Bed” if you have any serious medical conditions, 

About the “Fish Tank Bed”

Benefits: The “Fish Tank Bed” insures a maximum flow of healing energy through all your body’s organs, to restore normal or improved function to impaired organs and body systems. The “Fish Tank Bed” creates balance and flow through your adrenal, lymphatic, skeletal and circulatory systems.                                                                                                                           

Movement Equivalents:                                                                                                                             

15 minutes on the “Fish Machine” is equivalent to 90 minutes or 10,000 steps at a brisk walk and burns 225 calories. 15 minutes on the “Fish Machine” is equivalent to 1 hour of manual lymphatic drainage.

Improves Health:

Health is daily movement which creates oxygenation and detoxification. By oxygenating the body, it prevents more disease, bacteria and parasites.                                                       

Aids in Detoxification:

Without adequate daily physical movement, the lymphatic system cannot detox your body. The lymphatic system is activated by physical exercise. If the lymph does not circulate then the tissues suffocate while stewing in their own acidic waste thus causing cancer.

How often:

10 – 15 min. Maximum of 2 treatments per day, not to exceed 30 minutes total.  


About the FIR Heat Domes:

(The things that go over you on the “Fish Tank” bed)

Warning: This feels great! May cause you to fall asleep.

About FIR Heat:

If Far Infrared Radiation (FIR) heat intensity is high, we feel healthy and can overcome many of our health concerns. When FIR heat begins to decline, we are subject to disease and illness. We tend to age more quickly and fight depression more often. We can be exposed to FIR heat for hours and it will never cause our skin to burn. It is completely safe and healthy for all living things. ALL life forms – humans, animals and plants – NEED FIR heat to remain healthy. 


FIR heat causes increased blood flow by promoting expansion of the blood vessels and capillaries. A functional circulatory system is indispensable not only for a quality life, but also to maintain health. FIR heat aids in the creation of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide can prevent and even reverse heart disease and strokes. If blood circulates well, tissues will receive energy in the form of nutrients and oxygen to help the metabolic activities they need. 


Cancer cells cannot exist if the blood circulation is smooth and continuous. A cancerous cell has to stop moving to proliferate. Good blood circulation in capillaries leaves no way for the cancerous cell to settle down and position itself to duplicate. If the cancerous cell keeps moving it can then be killed by your immune system. Pure FIR heat penetrates 3-5 inches into the body targeting and combating malignant cells from the inside out. It is non-toxic, safe and there are no side effects from its use. 

Weight Loss:

FIR heat improves metabolism. The body is made up of 70% water. Infrared heat causes resonance in water molecules activating and ionizing them. 


FIR heat therapy enables:

Relaxation of the mind and body, stress relief, promotes a healthy metabolism, addresses pain, swelling and inflammation, accelerates healing, and promotes enzyme production and cellular vitality. FIR heat strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system. It aids in the destruction of cancer cells. FIR heat is also well recognized worldwide for its detoxification properties and its ability to promote elimination of toxins and metabolic byproducts. FIR may induce the killing of varied pathogenic disease causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. FIR promotes rebuilding of tissues thus helping with post-surgical or injury pain. It relieves nervous tension and relaxes auto neuro-muscles there by helping the body make the most of its healing abilities. 

Hand position options while on the “Fish Tank Bed”:

-Hands behind neck – May help migraine headaches, sore back, misaligned spines, bone spurs, arthritis and gout.                           

-Hands to your side – May relieve muscle tension, mood balancing, insomnia, constipation and organ discomfort. 

-Hands over your head – May aid in weight loss, shoulder pain, muscle tension and nerve pressure.


Best times to use:                                                                                                                      

-Before Breakfast - Makes your brain mentally focused and alert. Helps the body to be balanced and energized.                               

-Lunch Time - Works well. Try to use at least 30 minutes after eating. Preferably an hour. 

-After Dinner - Helps assist in restful sleep and natural healing

What to do when the feet on the “Fish Tank Bed” stop moving:  

In order to realize the maximum benefits from this therapy, stay still for at least 3 minutes after the machine stops moving.  You get 40% of the machine’s benefits while it is moving and the other 60% of the benefits after the machine stops. The rest period is the time that the increased oxygenation will seek out areas in your body that lack oxygen, replenishing your cells and muscle tissue. Sitting up quickly and moving will constrict your muscles, detracting from the full absorption capabilities of the oxygenation. 

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